

ORM object for handling a stage.

Has set of getters/setters for system fields

Chain of inheritance

class Bitrix\Rpa\Model\Stage extends Bitrix\Main\Rpa\Midel\EO_Stage implements Bitrix\Rpa\Permission\Containable


Method Description Available from version
public function getType(): Type Returns object Bitrix\Rpa\Model\Type to which the stage is binded.
public function getUserFieldCollection(): UserFieldCollection Returns object Bitrix\Rpa\UserField\UserFieldCollection This object will have specified visibility settings for current stage.
public function getPermissions(bool $isFromCache = true): array Returns array of records for access permissions for this stage.
public function getFieldSettings(bool $isFromCache = true): array Returns array of records for visibility settings for this stage.
public function getPossibleNextStageIds(bool $isFromCache = false): array Returns array of IDs for stages to which item can be moved from this stage. Now this setting is not used; user can move from any stage to any other.
public function getItems(array $parameters = []): Collection Returns collection of items that are located at this stage. $parameters - standard set of settings for ORM object table getList().
public function getUserSortedItems(array $parameters = [], int $userId = null): Collection Returns collection fo items located at this stage. Collection items are sorted accordingly to user sorting for user $userId.

When this parameter is not passed, current user is sourced.

$parameters - standard set of settings for ORM class getList()

public function getItemsCount(): int Returns number of items binded to this stage.
public function isFirst(): bool Returns true, when this stage is first.
public function isSuccess(): bool Returns true, when this stage is successful.
public function isFail(): bool Returns true, when this stage has failed.
public function isFinal(): bool Returns true, when this stage has semantics of success or failure.

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