

\Bitrix\Catalog - namespace for Catalog module.

Before using the module, check if it is installed and connect it via the following structure:


Class, namespaceDescription
CatalogIblockTableClass for handling iblock table defined as catalog.
CatalogViewedProductTableClass for handling table of products viewed on site.
DiscountNamespace containing classes with product discounts.
DiscountCouponTableClass for handling table with discount coupons.
DiscountModuleTableClass for handling table with modules, necessary for discount.
DiscountRestrictionTableClass for handling table of discount applicability limits.
DiscountTableClass for handling table with product discounts.
EbayNamespace contains class for Ebay integration.
ExtraTableClass for handling table with extra charges.
GroupAccessTableClass for handling table with user groups access permissions for viewing and purchasing products according to price types available in the system.
GroupLangTableClass for handling table with language-dependent price type parameters.
GroupTableClass for handling table with price types.
HelpersHelper class namespace.
MeasureRatioTableClass for handling product units of measurement.
PriceTable Class for handling product SKUs.
ProductNamespace contains classes for handling products and SKUs.
ProductGroupAccessTableClass for handling content access permissions sales.
ProductTableClass for handling table with product catalogs.
RoundingTableClass for handling table with price rounding rules.
StoreBarcodeTableClass for handling table with barcodes.
StoreProductTable Class for handling table with products stored in warehouse.
StoreTable Class for handling table with warehouses.
SubscribeAccessTableClass for handling table with authentication data of users who subscribed without registration.
SubscribeTableClass for handling table with unavailable products subscription.
VatTableClass for handling table with VAT rates.

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