

Description and methods

ORM object for handling table of field visibility settings.

Chain of inheritance

Descendant for class Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\DataManager.


Method Description Available from version
public static function removeByTypeId(int $typeId): Result Deletes all records from table with filter TYPE_ID = $typeId. Used when deleting a process.

Returns object Bitrix\Main\Result

public static function removeByTypeId(int $stageId): Result Deletes all records from table for filter STAGE_ID = $typeId. Used when deleting a stage.

This method is not recommended for use when $stageId = 0 - it deletes a lot more than should not be deleted.

Returns object Bitrix\Main\Result

public static function getGroupedList(int $typeId, int $stageId, bool $isFullInfo = false): array Returns array with settings, grouped by visibility and field code.

When $isFullInfo = false, the value is only true. When $isFullInfo = true, the value contains full array of strings from database.

Next example has the field UF_RPA_1_NAME printed in quick form for creating and in the details form in kanban.

// $isFullInfo = false;
    'kanban' => [
        'UF_RPA_1_NAME' => true,
        'UF_RPA_1_1246818523891' => true, 
    'create' => [
        'UF_RPA_1_NAME' => true,

// $isFullInfo = true;
    'kanban' => [
        'UF_RPA_1_NAME' => [
            'ID' => '1',
            'TYPE_ID' => '1',
            'STAGE_ID' => '0',
            'FIELD' => 'UF_RPA_1_NAME',
            'VISIBILITY' => 'kanban',
        'UF_RPA_1_1246818523891' => [...], 
    'create' => [
        'UF_RPA_1_NAME' => [...],
public static function mergeSettings(int $typeId, int $stageId, array $fields, string $visibilityType = null): Result Method saves current settings for the type $typeId at the stage $stageId from array $fields. When passing $visibilityType, saving is performed only for this type of visibility. It is required for saving only a single set of settings, to avoid resetting other settings.

This method immediately sends requests to the database - deletes redundant settings and adds new ones.

Returns object Bitrix\Main\Result.

public static function getVisibilityTypes(): array Returns array of available values for the field VISIBILITY


Table fields

Field Description Type Required
ID Int
TYPE_ID Process ID.Int Yes
STAGE_ID Stage ID. When this field contains 0, this setting applies to all stages.Int Yes
FIELD User field ID.String Yes
VISIBILITY Type of setting, accepts one of the following values:
  1. visible - when field has this setting, its values are displayed during viewing. By default its considered that all fields are visible everywhere and this option is not used.
  2. editable - when a field has this setting, its value is available for editing at specific stage. By default, all fields can be edited and this option is not used.
  3. mandatory - similarly field setting specifying that this field is required at specific stage. By default, all fields are optional and presently are not used.
  4. kanban - fields with this setting are displayed in the viewing form in kanban
  5. create - fields with this setting are printed in quick creation form for item in kanban
String Yes

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