
Search Optimization

This section contains information about classes for Search Optimization module, related to core D7 and located directly in the namespace \Bitrix\Seo.

Before using the module, check if it is installed and connect it via the following structure:


Class, namespace Description
Adv Namespace for classes handling advertisement campaigns, commercials and banners.
AdvEntity Base class for external ad service entities.
Engine Namespace for transport classes for handling Yandex.Direct and support class for centralized authorzation when working with Yandex.Direct.
SitemapFile Class for handling sitemap files.
SitemapIblock Class, responsible for handling iblock events to automatically display updates of sitemap files.
SitemapIblockTable Class for handling storage of iblock bindings to sitemap files generation mechanism.
SitemapRuntime Class for handling sitemap temporary file.
SitemapTable Class for handling storage for sitemap files generation settings.

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