

Model namespace contains classes for handling ORM.

Class Description Available from version
FieldTable ORM object for handling tables with user field visibility settings.
Item ORM object for handling an element.
ItemHistory ORM object for handling element revision history.
ItemHistoryFieldTable ORM object for handling table with field values updated within update of single entry Bitrix\Rpa\Model\ItemHistoryTable.
ItemHistoryTable ORM object for handling element revision history table.
ItemSortTable ORM object for handling table with kanban user element sorting.
PermissionTable ORM object for handling access permission settings table.
PrototypeItem Base class for ORM object element.
PrototypeItemIndex Base class for handling full text element index table.
Stage ORM object for handling a stage.
StageTable ORM object for handling stage table.
StageToStageTable ORM object for settings for possible stage sequences.
Timeline ORM object for handling timeline entry.
TimelineTable ORM object handling timeline entries.
Type ORM object for handling a process.
TypeTable ORM object for handling process table.

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