

Kernel - namespace for classes and methods of the system Kernel module. No special code is needed to connect the module.

Class, namespace Description
Application Basic class for any apps.
Context Class to handle context
HttpRequest Class manages HTTP query object, containing data on the current query.
Authentication Namespace for user authentication classes.
Config Namespace for settings classes.
Data Namespace for classes to handle cache, including managed cache.
DB Namespace for classes that handle the database
Diag Namespace for diagnostics classes.
Entity Namespace to handle entities.
Environment Class to handle environment.
Page Namespace for classes that handle product page.
Replica Namespace for classes to replicate kernel module.
Request Class to handle query object.
Result Query result class.
Security Namespace for classes, responsible for security.
Server Server objects class.
Type Namespace to handle data types: date, file and others.
UI Namespace for user interfaces.
UserTable Class to handle users.
UrlPreview Namespace to handle rich links.
UrlRewriterRuleMaker Class to handle redirecting rules.
Web Namespace for classes to handle WEB.
Classes to handle errors
Error Class for errors.
ErrorCollection Errors collection.
Classes to handle exceptions
SystemException Basic class for fatal exceptions.
ArgumentException Exception is thrown when function argument is invalid
ArgumentNullException Exception is thrown when empty value is passed to the method that doesn't accept such value as valid.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException Exception is thrown when the argument's value is outside acceptable value range.
ArgumentTypeException Exception is thrown when the argument type is not accepted by function.
ObjectNotFoundException Exception is thrown when object is missing.
ObjectException Exception is thrown when object cannot be created.
ObjectPropertyException Exception is thrown when object property is invalid.
InvalidOperationException Exception is thrown when the called method is not valid for the current object status.
NotSupportedException Exception is thrown when operation is not supported.
NotImplementedException Exception is thrown when operation is not performed, but should have been.

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