

Description and methods

ORM class for handling access permissions settings table.

Chain of inheritance

Descendant of class Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\DataManager.


Method Description Available from version
public static function deleteByEntity(string $entity, int $entityId): void Deletes all records from table, associated with entity $entity with ID $entityId.

Table fields

Field Description Type Required
ID Identifier.Int Yes
ENTITY Entity string identifier. Usually accepts one of the following values:
  1. TYPE - record is related to a process
  2. STAGE - record is related to stage (now is not used)
String Yes
ENTITY_ID Entity ID.Int Yes
ACCESS_CODE Acmes permission owner string ID. Kernel rules are used to build this string. For example, U1 - it is user with ID=1. UA - all users.String Yes
ACTION Action ID string. Can have one of the following values:
  1. ITEMS_CREATE - creating an item (applicable only to process settings)
  2. CREATE - creating an entity
  3. VIEW - viewing an entity
  4. MODIFY - modifying an entity
PERMISSION Access permission level for string ID. Can have only one of the following values:
  1. A - owner only (now is not used)
  2. D - owner and its department members (now is not used)
  3. X - all
String Yes

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