DiscountTable class for handling table with shopping cart discounts.
Class methods
Method | Description | Available from version |
getMap | Returns list of fields for tale with shopping cart discounts. | |
getTableName | Returns name for table with shopping cart discounts in database. | |
onAfterAdd | Default handler for the event onAfterAdd . |
onAfterDelete | Default handler for the event onAfterDelete . |
onAfterUpdate | Default handler for the event onAfterUpdate . |
onBeforeAdd | Default handler for the event onBeforeAdd . |
onBeforeUpdate | Default handler for the event onBeforeUpdate . |
onDelete | Default handler for the event onDelete . |
setAllUseCoupons | Sets flag for available coupons for all shopping cart discounts. | |
setUseCoupons | Sets flag for available coupons for listed shopping cart discounts. | |
validateCurrency | Returns validator for the field CURRENCY . |
validateDiscountType | Returns validator for the field DISCOUNT_TYPE . |
validateExecuteModule | Returns validator for the field EXECUTE_MODULE . |
validateLid | Returns validator for the field LID . |
validateName | Returns validator for the field NAME . |
validatePresetId | Returns validator for the field PRESET_ID . |
validateXmlId | Returns validator for the field XML_ID . |
Fields for shopping cart discounts
Field | Description | Type | Required |
ID | Discount ID. | Int | Yes |
XML_ID | External code. | Varchar(255) | No |
LID | Site ID. | Char(2) | Yes |
NAME | Discount name. | Varchar(255) | No |
CURRENCY | Currency. | Char(3) | No |
ACTIVE | Active status flag (Y/N). | Char(1) | Yes |
SORT | Sorting order. | Int | Yes |
ACTIVE_FROM | Date discount active from. | Datetime | No |
ACTIVE_TO | Date discount active to. | Datetime | No |
TIMESTAMP_X | Date and time discount updated. | Datetime | No |
MODIFIED_BY | User ID who was the last to update the discount. | Int | No |
DATE_CREATE | Date and tie discount was created. | Datetime | No |
CREATED_BY | User ID who created the discount. | Int | No |
PRIORITY | Priority for applicability. | Int | Yes |
LAST_DISCOUNT | Flag "Stop application of further rules" (Y/N). | Char(1) | Yes |
VERSION | Generated discounts version. Read only field. | Int | Yes |
CONDITIONS | Additional conditions for discount application. | Mediumtext | No |
UNPACK | PHP code for condition to apply the discount. Read only field. | Mediumtext | No |
ACTIONS | PHP code for executed discount actions. Read only field. | Mediumtext | No |
APPLICATION | Description for shopping cart discount actions as serialized array. | Mediumtext | No |
USE_COUPONS | Flag for available discount coupons(Y/N). | Char(1) | Yes |
EXECUTE_MODULE | Module code, where discount can be executed ("sale" - result is visible only in shopping cart/order, "catalog" or "all" - including on the catalog pages). | Varchar(50) | Yes |
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