

\Bitrix\Sale\Payment - payment class. Class also implements interfaces: \Bitrix\Sale\IBusinessValueProvider и \IEntityMarker.

Inheritance chain/h4>
\Bitrix\Sale\Payment > [link= 8884639]\Bitrix\Sale\Internals\CollectableEntity[/link] > \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Entity

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
create Creates a payment object and associates a collection to it.
delete Deletes payment from an order (only unpaid payment can be deleted).
getHash Returns partial payment hash.
getPaySystem Returns payment system object.
getPaymentSystemId Returns payment system ID.
getPaymentSystemName Returns payment system name.
getRegistryType Returns register type with associated object.
getUfId Returns user field ID.
isInner Checks if partial payment was transferred from internal account.
isMarked Checks if payment is marked as containing errors.
loadForOrder Returns array with payment objects for order.
setPaid Sets partial payment as paid.
setPaySystemService Sets payment system.
setReturn Returns partial payment.

Methods for parent class \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\CollectableEntity

MethodDescription Available from version
createCloneClones this item.
deleteDeletes an item.
doFinalActionExecutes finalizing actions.
getCollectionReturns collection with associated item.
getInternalIndexReturns internal index for a collection item.
isCloneChecks if this item is a clone.
setCollectionAssociates collection to an item.

Methods for parent class \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Entity

MethodDescription Available from version
doFinalActionAbstract method for implementing "Final" calculation logic.
getAvailableFieldsReturns array with fields set using methods setField() and setFields().
getAvailableFieldsMap Returns array with fields set using methods setField() and setFields(). Array keys are values getAvailableFields.
getFieldReturns values for the field $name.
getFieldValuesReturns array with fields with values.
getIdReturns entity ID.
initFieldInitializes field by value. The object is not deemed as updated.
initFieldsItinializes fields by values. The object is not deemed as updated.
isChangedChecks if entity is updated. When updated, returns true, otherwise false.
isMathActionOnlyChecks if current data calculations are performed (provider data is not requested). If yes, returns true, otherwise false.
setFieldSets value for the field $name.
setFieldsInitilizes fields by values. The object is not deemed as updated.
setMathActionOnlyDisables request to provider when executing calculations.
verifyVerifies if object is correct. Returns object \Bitrix\Sale\Result.

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