This section describes classes and namespaces for the Online Store module:
Class, namespace | Description |
Archive | Class for handling order archiving. |
Basket | Class for handling shopping cart. Descendant of class \Bitrix\Sale\BasketItemCollection . |
BasketBase | Base class for handling shopping cart. |
BasketItemCollection | Class handles an items collection. |
Configuration | Class handles settings for product reservation, stock control and online store status update settings. |
Delivery | Namespace contains classes for handling delivery services. |
Discount | Namespace contains subspaces, classes and methods for calculating all discounts (catalog and online store) for shopping cart and order. |
DiscountCouponsManager | Class for handling discount coupons in calculations. |
Fuser | Class for getting buyer ID. |
Internals | Name subspace contains classes for handling tables of Online Store module. |
Location | Name subspace contains classes for handling locations. |
Notify | Class for handling notifications. |
Order | Class for handling orders. |
OrderBase | Base class for handling orders. |
OrderDiscountManager | Class for handling shopping cart discounts during calculations. |
Payment | Payment class. |
PaymentCollection | Сlass for payment collections. |
PropertyValueCollectionBase | Base class for collection of order properties. |
ProviderBase | Base class for handling online store providers. |
Result | Class for handling results. |
SalesZone | Class for specifying store operating area. |
Services | Basic general portion of delivery services and payment systems. |
Shipment | Class for shipments. |
ShipmentCollection | Class for shipments collection. |
ShipmentItem | Shipment item class. |
ShipmentItemStore | Class for handling barcodes for shipment items. |
StatusBase | Base class for statuses. |
Tax | Class for handling taxes. |
TradingPlatform | Class foe handling trade platforms. |
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