

\Bitrix\Sale\Internals\CollectableEntity - base class for a collection item.

Inheritance chain

\Bitrix\Sale\Internals\CollectableEntity > \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Entity

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
createCloneClones this item.
deleteDeletes an item.
doFinalActionExecutes finalizing actions.
getCollectionReturns collection with associated item.
getInternalIndexReturns internal index for a collection item.
isCloneChecks if this item is a clone.
setCollectionAssociates collection to an item.

Methods for parent class \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Entity

MethodDescription Available from version
doFinalActionAbstract method, designed to implement "final" calculation logic.
getAvailableFieldsReturns array of fields to be set via methods setField() and setFields().
getAvailableFieldsMapReturns array of fields to be set via the methods setField() and setFields(). getAvailableFields values are used as array keys.
getFieldReturns value for $name field.
getFieldValuesReturns array of fields with values.
getIdReturns entity ID.
initFieldInitializes field by a value. Object is not considered as updated.
initFieldsInitializes fields by values. Object is not considered as updated.
isChangedChecks, if entity was updated. If yes, returns true, otherwise returns false.
isMathActionOnlyChecks, if current data is used for calculations (provider data is not requested). If yes, returns true, otherwise returns false.
setFieldSets values for the field $name.
setFieldsInitializes fields by values. Object is not considered as updated.
setMathActionOnlyDisables requests to provider when during calculations.
verifyChecks, if object is correct. Returns object \Bitrix\Sale\Result.

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