
Online Store in the old core


List of classes for Online Store module in the old core

ClassDescriptionAvailable from version
CSaleAuxiliary Class for streamlined commercial access to resources.
CSaleBasket Class for handling buyer shopping cart.
CSaleDelivery Class for handling delivery services (methods).
CSaleDeliveryHandler Class for handling automated delivery services.
CSaleDiscount Class for handling discounts for order total.
CSaleLocation Class for handling locations.
CSaleLocationGroup Class for handling location groups.
CSaleOrder Class for handling orders.
CSaleOrderProps Class for handling selected order properties.
CSaleOrderPropsGroup Class for handling order property groups.
CSaleOrderPropsValue Class for handling with order property values.
CSaleOrderPropsVariant Class for handling order property value variants.
CSaleOrderTax Class for handling with tax total, accrued for each order.
CSaleOrderUserProps Class for handling buyer profiles.
CSaleOrderUserPropsValue Class for handling order property values, saved in buyer profiles.
CSalePaySystem Class for handling payment systems.
CSalePaySystemAction Class for handling payment system handlers.
CSalePersonType Class for handling buyer types.
CSaleRecurring Class for handling renewed subscriptions.
CSaleStatus Class for handling order statuses.
CSaleTax Class for handling taxes.
CSaleTaxRate Class for handling tax rates.
CSaleUserAccount Class for handling internal customer accounts.
CSaleUserCards Class for handling payment cards.
CSaleUserTransact Class for handling payment transactions.


List of Online Store module events in the old core


List of Online Store module functions in the old store

SaleFormatCurrency Function calculates total fSum according to formatting rules for currenc strCurrency on the current language.


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