
Timeline entry log

Scope: catalog Permissions to execute: for all

Log entries is a special type of timeline records that contains less important data, than other records. Such records are distinguished by grey mute background and attracts less attention.


crm.timeline.logmessage.get(id: number)

Record information.


Parameter Description Type
id Timeline record ID

Method returns an array containing an associative array with log record fields.


crm.timeline.logmessage.list({entityTypeId: number, entityId: number, order: ?{} = null, start: ?number = 0})

List of log records:

Parameters Description Type
entityTypeId Entity type ID to retrieve the records.
entityId Entity element ID to retrieve the records.
order List for sorting, where the key is field, value - asc or desc. By default, uses [id => desc].
start Offset for page navigation.

Sorting is supported only for the fields id and created.

Method returns an array containing list with log records. Each record contains an associative array with with fields for the log record.


crm.timeline.logmessage.add(fields: {})

Add a log record


Parameter Description Type
fields Array with fields of added record. Can contain the following keys:
  • entityTypeId - entity type ID used to create the record. Required field.
  • entityId - entity element ID to create the record. Required field.
  • title - record title. Required field.
  • text - record text.
  • iconCode - icon code. List of available codes can be retrieved by the method crm.timeline.icon.list.


crm.timeline.logmessage.delete(id: number)

Delete a log record


Parameter Description Type
id Timeline record ID

You can only delete a record within the context of REST application that created it.

Timeline log record fields

Field Description Type
id Timeline record ID int
created Created date and time datetime
authorId User who created the record int
title Record title string
text Record content string
iconCode Icon code string

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