
Table Structure

  • Deals
  • Leads
  • Companies
  • Contacts
  • Requisites
  • Activities

  • Important! When updating address, it is strongly recommended to pass a full set of address fields in the update method. Partial update is supported, but is undesirable due to possible competing requests for address update by other apps.


    A company has an address "Blueville st., New York, 4251".
    Third-party app: reading the address as "Blueville st., New York, 4251".
    Your app: reading address as "Blueville st., New York, 4251".
    Third-party app: saving address as "Radmond st., Los Angeles, 352" (fixing the error - fully replacing address to another address).
    Your app: saving portion of address as "Blueville st." (fixing the error - correcting street name, but in effect, creating new error).
    As a result of two competing update requests, the company has the following address "Los Angeles, Blueville st., 352".
    Finally, we can get an inconsistent address.

    Attention! More detailed list of fields is provided in the method pages, returning description of entity fields. Such methods have the name


    Field Description Read Write
    ID Deal ID. It is created automatically and is unique for the database. Yes No
    TITLE Deal name. A required field. Yes Yes
    TYPE_ID Deal type ID. Yes Yes
    STAGE_ID Deal stage ID Yes Yes
    PROBABILITY Deal conclusion probability (in %) Yes Yes
    CURRENCY_ID Deal currency Yes Yes
    OPPORTUNITY Amount in deal currency Yes Yes
    COMPANY_ID ID of a company that is a counterpart to the deal Yes Yes
    CONTACT_ID Contact person ID Yes Yes
    BEGINDATE Deal opening date Yes Yes
    CLOSEDATE Deal closing date Yes Yes
    OPENED Checkmark "Available to everyone" Yes Yes
    CLOSED Checkmark "The deal is closed" Yes Yes
    COMMENTS Comments Yes Yes
    ASSIGNED_BY_ID Deal responsible’s ID Yes Yes
    CREATED_BY_ID Deal creator’s ID Yes No
    MODIFY_BY_ID ID of a person who modified the deal Yes No
    DATE_CREATE Creation date Yes No
    DATE_MODIFY Modification date Yes No
    LEAD_ID Lead ID Yes No
    ADDITIONAL_INFO Additional information Yes Yes
    ORIGINATOR_ID ID of the external information database. The field assignment can be modified by the end developer. Yes Yes
    ORIGIN_ID External key used for exchange operations. ID of an object of the external information database. The field assignment can be modified by the end developer. Yes Yes
    CATEGORY_IDDeal progress ID. Yes Yes


    Field Description Read Write
    ID Lead ID Yes No
    TITLE Lead name. A required field. Yes Yes
    NAME Contact person’s name Yes Yes
    SECOND_NAME Contact person’s patronymic Yes Yes
    LAST_NAME Last name Yes Yes
    COMPANY_TITLE Company name Yes Yes
    SOURCE_ID Source ID Yes Yes
    SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Additional information about the source Yes Yes
    STATUS_ID Lead status ID Yes Yes
    STATUS_DESCRIPTION Additional information about the status Yes Yes
    POST Position Yes Yes
    ADDRESS Address Yes Yes
    ADDRESS_2 Apartment, officeYesYes
    ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Postal codeYesYes
    ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country codeYesYes
    CURRENCY_ID Currency ID Yes Yes
    OPPORTUNITY Supposed amount Yes Yes
    OPENED Checkmark "Available for all" Yes Yes
    COMMENTS Comments Yes Yes
    ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person Yes Yes
    CREATED_BY_ID Created by Yes No
    MODIFY_BY_ID Modified by Yes No
    DATE_CREATE Creation date Yes No
    DATE_MODIFY Modification date Yes No
    COMPANY_ID Company ID Yes No
    CONTACT_ID Contact person’s ID Yes No
    DATE_CLOSED Closing date Yes No
    PHONE Phone Yes Yes
    EMAIL E-mail Yes Yes
    WEB Website Yes Yes
    IM Contact person in the instant messaging service Yes Yes
    ORIGINATOR_ID External information base ID. Field assignment can be changed by the end developer. Yes Yes
    ORIGIN_ID External key that is used for exchange operations. ID of an object of the external information database. The field assignment can be modified by the end developer. Yes Yes


    Field Description Read Write
    ID Company ID. It is created automatically and is unique for the database. Yes No
    TITLE Company name. A required field. Yes Yes
    COMPANY_TYPE Company type. To be selected from the list. Yes Yes
    LOGO Company logo Yes Yes
    ADDRESS Physical address Yes Yes
    ADDRESSStreet, House, Building (current address)YesYes
    ADDRESS_2Apartment / office (current address)YesYes
    ADDRESS_CITYCity (current address)YesYes
    ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Postal Code (current address)YesYes
    ADDRESS_REGION Region (current address)YesYes
    ADDRESS_PROVINCE Province (current address)YesYes
    ADDRESS_COUNTRY Country (current address)YesYes
    ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country Code (current address)YesYes
    REG_ADDRESSStreet, House, Building (legal address)YesYes
    REG_ADDRESS_2Apartment / office (legal address)YesYes
    REG_ADDRESS_CITYCity (legal address)YesYes
    REG_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Postal code (legal address)YesYes
    REG_ADDRESS_REGION Region (legal address)YesYes
    REG_ADDRESS_PROVINCE Province (legal address)YesYes
    REG_ADDRESS_COUNTRY Country (legal address)YesYes
    REG_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country Code (legal address)YesYes
    ADDRESS_LEGAL Legal address Yes Yes
    BANKING_DETAILS Bank details Yes Yes
    INDUSTRY Area of activity. To be selected from the list. Yes Yes
    EMPLOYEES Number of employees. To be selected from the list. Yes Yes
    CURRENCY_ID Settlement currency Yes Yes
    REVENUE Annual turnover Yes Yes
    OPENED Check mark "Available for all" Yes Yes
    COMMENTS Comments Yes Yes
    ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person’s ID Yes Yes
    CREATED_BY_ID Created by Yes No
    MODIFY_BY_ID Modified by Yes No
    DATE_CREATE Creation date Yes No
    DATE_MODIFY Modification date Yes No
    LEAD_ID Lead ID Yes No
    ORIGINATOR_ID ID of the external information database. The field assignment can be modified by the end developer. Yes Yes
    ORIGIN_ID External key that is used for exchange operations. ID of an object of the external information database. The field assignment can be modified by the end developer. Yes Yes
    PHONE Phone Yes Yes
    EMAIL E-mail Yes Yes
    WEB Website Yes Yes
    IM Contact person in the instant messaging service. Yes Yes


    Field Description Read Write
    ID Contact ID. It is created automatically and is unique for the database. Yes No
    NAME Contact name. A require field. Yes Yes
    SECOND_NAME Contact person’s patronymic. A required field. Yes Yes
    LAST_NAME Contact person’s last name. A required field. Yes Yes
    PHOTO Contact person’s photo. Yes Yes
    BIRTHDATE Contact person’s date of birth Yes Yes
    TYPE_ID Type of contact Yes Yes
    SOURCE_ID Source Yes Yes
    SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Additional information about the source Yes Yes
    POST Position Yes Yes
    ADDRESS Address Yes Yes
    ADDRESS_2 Apartment, officeYesYes
    ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Postal codeYesYes
    ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country codeYesYes
    OPENED Check mark "Available for all" Yes Yes
    COMMENTS Comments Yes Yes
    EXPORT Export permission checkmark Yes Yes
    ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person’s ID Yes Yes
    CREATED_BY_ID Created by Yes No
    MODIFY_BY_ID Modified by Yes No
    DATE_CREATE Creation date Yes No
    DATE_MODIFY Modification date Yes No
    COMPANY_ID Company ID Yes Yes
    LEAD_ID Lead ID Yes No
    PHONE Phone Yes Yes
    EMAIL E-mail Yes Yes
    WEB Website Yes Yes
    IM Contact person in the instant messaging service Yes Yes
    ORIGINATOR_ID External information base ID. Field assignment can be changed by the end developer. Yes Yes
    ORIGIN_ID External key that is used for exchange operations. ID of an object of the external information database. The field assignment can be modified by the end developer. Yes Yes


    Name Description Read Write
    General requisites
    ID Requisite ID. Automatically created and unique within the database. YesNo
    ENTITY_TYPE_ID Parent entity type. Possible types: "Company", "Contact". Required field. YesYes
    ENTITY_ID Parent entity type. Required field. YesYes
    PRESET_ID Requisite template ID. Required field. YesYes
    DATE_CREATE Creation date. YesNo
    DATE_MODIFY Modification date. YesNo
    CREATED_BY_ID Requisite creator ID. YesNo
    MODIFY_BY_ID Requisite modifier ID. YesNo
    NAME Requisite name. YesYes
    CODE Requisite ID. YesYes
    XML_ID External key, used for exchange action. External database object ID. Field designation can be changed by the end developer. YesYes
    ACTIVE Active state attribute. YesYes
    SORT Sorting. YesYes
    RQ_NAME Full name YesYes
    RQ_FIRST_NAME Name. YesYes
    RQ_LAST_NAME Last name. YesYes
    RQ_COMPANY_NAME Abbreviated company name. YesYes
    RQ_COMPANY_FULL_NAME Full company name. YesYes
    RQ_COMPANY_REG_DATE Date of state registration.YesYes
    RQ_DIRECTOR General director. YesYes
    RQ_ACCOUNTANT Chief accountant. YesYes
    RQ_CEO_NAME CEO full name. YesYes
    RQ_CEO_WORK_POS CEO work position. YesYes
    RQ_CONTACT Contact person. YesYes
    RQ_EMAIL E-Mail. YesYes
    RQ_PHONE Telephone. YesYes
    RQ_FAX Fax. YesYes
    RQ_IDENT_DOC Document type. YesYes
    RQ_IDENT_DOC_SER Series. YesYes
    RQ_IDENT_DOC_NUM Number. YesYes
    RQ_IDENT_DOC_DATE Date of issue. YesYes
    RQ_IDENT_DOC_ISSUED_BY Issued by. YesYes
    RQ_IDENT_DOC_DEP_CODE Dept. code. YesYes
    RQ_INN INN. YesYes
    RQ_KPP KPP. YesYes
    RQ_USRLE Handelsregisternummer (for DE). YesYes
    RQ_IFNS IFNS. YesYes
    RQ_OGRN OGRN. YesYes
    RQ_OKPO OKPO. YesYes
    RQ_DRFO DRFO. YesYes
    RQ_KBE KBE. YesYes
    RQ_IIN IIN. YesYes
    RQ_BIN BIN. YesYes
    RQ_VAT_PAYER VAT payer (for UA). YesYes
    RQ_VAT_ID VAT ID (VAT payer identification number). YesYes
    RQ_VAT_CERT_SER VAT certificate series. YesYes
    RQ_VAT_CERT_NUM VAT certificate number. YesYes
    RQ_VAT_CERT_DATE VAT certificate date. YesYes
    RQ_RESIDENCE_COUNTRY Residence country. YesYes
    ORIGINATOR_ID External database ID. Field designation can be changed by the end developer. YesYes
    Bank requisites
    ID Requisite ID. Automatically created and unique within the database. YesNo
    ENTITY_TYPE_ID Parent entity type. Default type: "Requisite". Required field. YesYes
    ENTITY_ID Parent entity ID. Required field. YesYes
    COUNTRY_ID Country ID. YesYes
    DATE_CREATE Creation date. YesNo
    DATE_MODIFY Modification date. YesNo
    CREATED_BY_ID Requisite creator ID. YesNo
    MODIFY_BY_ID Requisite modifier ID. YesNo
    NAME Requisite name. YesYes
    CODE Requisite ID. YesYes
    XML_ID External key used for exchange operations. ID of an object of the external information database. The field assignment can be modified by the end developer. Yes Yes
    ACTIVE Active state attribute. YesYes
    SORT Sorting. YesYes
    RQ_BANK_NAME Bank name. YesYes
    RQ_BANK_ADDR Bank address. YesYes
    RQ_BANK_ROUTE_NUM Bank Routing Number. YesYes
    RQ_BIK BIC. YesYes
    RQ_MFO MFO. YesYes
    RQ_ACC_NAME Bank Account Holder Name. YesYes
    RQ_ACC_NUM Bank Account Number. YesYes
    RQ_IIK ИИК. YesYes
    RQ_ACC_CURRENCY Account currency. YesYes
    RQ_COR_ACC_NUM Corr. account. YesYes
    RQ_IBAN IBAN. YesYes
    RQ_BIC BIC.YesYes
    COMMENTS Comment. YesYes
    ORIGINATOR_ID External database ID. Field designation can change by the end developer. YesYes
    Requisite templates
    ID Requisite ID. Automatically created and unique within the database. YesNo
    ENTITY_TYPE_ID Parent entity type. Required field. YesYes
    COUNTRY_ID Country, to which requisite template fields match. YesYes
    DATE_CREATE Creation date. YesNo
    DATE_MODIFY Modification date. YesNo
    CREATED_BY_ID Requisite creator ID. YesNo
    MODIFY_BY_ID Requisite modificatory ID. YesNo
    NAME Requisite name. YesYes
    XML_ID External key used for exchange operations. ID of an object of the external information database. The field assignment can be modified by the end developer. Yes Yes
    ACTIVE Active state attribute. YesYes
    SORT Sorting. YesYes
    Requisite template fields
    ID Requisite ID. Automatically created and unique within the requisite. YesNo
    FIELD_NAME Field name. YesYes
    FIELD_TITLE Alternative field name for requisite. YesYes
    SORT Sorting. YesYes
    IN_SHORT_LIST Show in short list. YesYes
    Requisite addresses
    TYPE_ID Address type ID. Required field. "Address type" enumeration element. YesYes
    ENTITY_TYPE_ID Parent entity type. Possible types: "Requisite", "Company", "Contact", "Lead". Required field. YesYes
    ENTITY_ID Parent entity ID. Required field. YesYes
    ADDRESS_1 Street, house, building. YesYes
    ADDRESS_2 Apartment / office. YesYes
    CITY Город. YesYes
    POSTAL_CODE Postal code. YesYes
    REGION Region. YesYes
    PROVINCE Province. YesYes
    COUNTRY Country. YesYes
    COUNTRY_CODE Country code. YesYes


    Field DescriptionTypeNote
    ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID ID of the entity associated with the activityintegerRead only
    AUTOR_ID Activity creatoruser
    AUTOCOMPLETE_RULE Autocompleteinteger
    BINDINGS Bindingscrm_activity_bindingMultiple, read only.
    COMMUNICATIONS crm_activity_communicationMultiple, required.
    COMPLETED Completedchar
    CREATED Createddatetime
    DEADLINE DeadlinedatetimeField is not set directly, value is taken from START_TIME for a call or meeting and from END_TIME for task.
    DESCRIPTION Descriptionstring
    DESCRIPTION_TYPE Description typecrm.enum.contenttype
    DIRECTION Activity direction: incoming/outgoing. crm.enum.activitydirectionRelevant to calls and emails; not used for meetings.
    EDITOR_ID EditoruserRead only
    END_TIME Completion timedatetime
    FILES Added filesdiskfileMultiple
    ID Activity IDintegerRead only
    LAST_UPDATE Date of last updatedatetimeRead only
    LOCATION Location.string
    NOTIFY_TYPE Notifications typecrm.enum.activitynotifytype
    NOTIFY_VALUE integerRead only
    ORIGINATOR_ID Data source IDstringUsed only to bind to external source.
    ORIGIN_ID Element ID in the data sourcestringUsed only to bind to external source.
    ORIGIN_VERSION Original versionstringUsed for data protection from rewrite by external system. If data was imported and not modified in the external system, such data can be edited in CRM without danger that the next upload will result in rewritten data.
    OWNER_ID OwnerintegerUnmodifiable
    OWNER_TYPE_ID Owner typecrm.enum.ownertypeUnmodifiable
    PRIORITY Prioritycrm.enum.activitypriority
    PROVIDER_DATA string
    PROVIDER_ID Provider IDstring
    PROVIDER_TYPE_ID Provider type IDstringStatus from directory
    RESPONSIBLE_ID ResponsibleuserRequired
    RESULT_MARK integer
    RESULT_STATUS integer
    RESULT_STREAM Report statisticsinteger
    RESULT_SUM double
    RESULT_VALUE double
    SETTINGS Settingsobject
    START_TIME Start timedatetime
    STATUS Statuscrm_enum_activitystatus
    SUBJECT SubjectstringRequired
    TYPE_ID Typecrm_enum_activitytypeRequired, unmodifiable
    WEBDAV_ELEMENTS Added filesdiskfileMultiple. Deprecated, kept for compatibility

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