Stage progress history
crm.stagehistory.list( { entityTypeId: number, order: ?{} = null, filter: ?{} = null, select: ?{} = null, start: ?number = 0 } )
Method supports retrieval of stage progress history for deals, leads and invoices.
Parameter | Description | Available from version |
entityTypeId | Entity type ID. Can have the following values:
| |
order | List for sorting, where key - field , value - ASC or DESC | |
filter | List for filtering. Filter supports usage of precise values, value arrays, as well as modifiers =, !=, <, >, >=, <=. Search by "like" is not supported. | |
start | Shift for page navigation. Page navigation logic is standard for REST list methods. |
Returned value
Method returns array with history records:
{ "items": [] }
Each array item - array with keys:
- ID - record ID
- TYPE_ID - record type. Can have the following values: 1 - create entity, 2 - move to an intermediary stage, 3 - move to a final stage
- OWNER_ID - entity ID, with updated stage
- CREATED_TIME - stage date and time
In addition, specific fields exist for different types of entities:
- for leads and invoices, its
status semantics
P - intermediary stage,
S - successful stage,
F - failed stage (stages). - STATUS_ID - status (stage) ID
status semantics
P - intermediary stage,
- for deals, its
- CATEGORY_ID - pipeline ID (funnel)
status semantics
P - intermediary stage,
S - successful stage,
F - failed stage (stages). - STAGE_ID - stage ID
Getting stage progress history for a deal with ID=1
BX24.callMethod( "crm.stagehistory.list", { entityTypeId: 2, order: { "ID": "ASC" }, filter: { "OWNER_ID": 1 }, select: [ "ID", "STAGE_ID", "CREATED_TIME" ] }, function(result) { if(result.error()) console.error(result.error()); else { console.dir(; if(result.more()); } } );
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