

Scope: catalog Permissions to execute: for all

crm.quote.fields Returns field description for an estimate.
crm.quote.add Set of fields.
crm.quote.get Returns an estimate by the ID.
crm.quote.list Returns a list of estimates by the filter. This is the implementation of the list method for the estimates.
crm.quote.update Updates an existing estimate.
crm.quote.delete Deletes an estimate and all objects, associated with it.
crm.quote.productrows.get Returns product positions of an estimate.
crm.quote.productrows.set Sets (creates or updates) product positions of an estimate.
crm.quote.userfield.add Creates a new user field for estimates.
crm.quote.userfield.delete Deletes a user field for estimates.
crm.quote.userfield.get Returns a user field for estimates by the ID.
crm.quote.userfield.list Returns a list of user fields for estimates by the filter.
crm.quote.userfield.update Updates an existing user field for estimates.

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