
Filter (main.ui.filter)


Component main.ui.filter(Bitrix\Main\UI\Filter classes) displays filter + search. It is a system component.

It can be found in the folder /bitrix/components/bitrix/main.ui.filter.


FILTER_IDstringFilter ID (must be unique).
GRID_IDstringGrid ID. Specify it when planning to use filter jointly with grid. When specified, filter will be independently update grid when filtering.
FILTERarrayArray with fields. The following field types are available for filtering:
  1. string - string (you may skip indicating a type for string type fields);
  2. list - list with single or multiple selection;
  3. number - number (specific number, range, less/more than);
  4. date - selection of preset values from list (“specific date”, “range”, “last N days” and etc.);
  5. custom_date - arbitrary date (select day/month/year);
  6. checkbox - list with preset values: “Yes”, “No” and “Not selected”;
  7. custom_entity - implements user or program interface for interaction with data outside filter (for example: CRM entity selection, workgroup, user selection, and etc.
  8. entity_selector - implements element selection interface via EntitySelector: entity selection dialog. Available from main version main 21.200.0.
  9. dest_selector - window for selecting users (by default). You can filter by CRM entities, by departments (uf_department), by structure, by workgroups. Full list of parameters
ENABLE_LABELboolEnables showing filter fields headers.
ENABLE_LIVE_SEARCHboolEnables “live filtration” during search bar input.
FILTER_PRESETSarrayFilter presets.
ENABLE_FIELDS_SEARCHbool Enables filtering by field name.
HEADERS_SECTIONSarrayArray for field grouping in main.ui.filter as follows:
array (
0 =>
 array (
    'id' => 'DEAL',
   'name' => 'My name',
   'default' => true, - include all fields in this section without direct section binding
   'selected' => true, - section is shown by default
 1 =>
 array (
   'id' => 'CONTACT',
   'name' => 'This the first contact‚',
   'selected' => true,
 2 =>
 array (
   'id' => 'COMPANY',
   'name' => 'This the second contact',
   'selected' => true,
DISABLE_SEARCHboolDisabling full-text search.

Call example

		'FILTER_ID' => 'report_list', 
		'GRID_ID' => 'report_list', 
		'FILTER' => [ 
			['id' => 'DATE', 'name' => 'Date', 'type' => 'date'], 
			['id' => 'IS_SPEND', 'name' => 'Operation type',
			'type' => 'list',
			'items' => ['' => 'Any', 'P' => 'Credit', 'M' => 'Debit'],
			'params' => ['multiple' => 'Y']
			['id' => 'AMOUNT', 'name' => 'Sum', 'type' => 'number'], 
			['id' => 'PAYER_INN', 'name' => 'Payer INN', 'type' => 'number'], 
			['id' => 'PAYER_NAME', 'name' => 'Payer'], 
		'ENABLE_LIVE_SEARCH' => true, 
		'ENABLE_LABEL' => true


Use parameter FILTER_PRESETS to create presets. Pass an associative array to this parameter, where preset ID is indicated as key, and preset parameters as filter parameters. The filter is located in the table b_user_option. Category main.interface.grid

    "myPresetId" => [
        "name" => 'Preset name',
        "default" => 'true', // if true - preset by default
        "fields" => [
            "FIELD_1_ID" => "field_1_value",
            "FIELD_2_ID" => "field_2_value",

Specifics of handling some field types

Type list - list.

Lists can have a single or multiple selection; a single selection is used by default. It has the following additional features:

Key TypeDefault valueDescription
paramsarrayarray("multiple" => "N")Defines list parameters. Can contain a 'multiple' property with value "Y"|"N". This property determines if a list has a multiple selection feature.
items arrayarray("Not selected")Associative array that defines list elements.
// Example 1. List with single election
   "id" => "MARK",
   "name" => "Rating",
   "type" => "list",
   "items" => array(
      "P" => "Positive",
      "N" => "Negative",

// Example 2. List with multiple selection.
   "id" => "PARAMS",
   "name" => "Task parameters",
   "type" => "list",
   "params" => array(
      "multiple" => "Y",
   "items" => array(
      "MARKED" => "Rated",
      "IN_REPORT" => "In report",
      "OVERDUED" => "Overdue",
      "ANY_TASK" => "Show tasks where I do not participate",

Field type date

Date type fields can support several types of values in \Bitrix\Main\UI\Filter\DateType. For example, “exact date”, “range”, “last N days” and etc. To exclude values:
   "id" => "DATE_START",
   "name" => "Start date",
   "type" => "date",
   "exclude" => array(
To enable support of time, use the time property:
   "id" => "DATE_START",
   "name" => "Start date",
   "type" => "date",
   "time" => true

Type: custom_entity

Implements user and program interface to interact with data outside the filter. For example, CRM entity selection, workgroup, user selection and etc.
KeyTypeDefault valueDescription
valueTypestring" "Defines type of returned value. Can have a "numeric" value or an empty string. When specifies "numeric", then value will be returned as 1/0, when not specified, or value specified is different from "numeric", returns Y/N
paramsarrayarray("multiple" => "N")Determines field parameters. Can contain a "multiple" property with value "Y"/"N". This property determines if multiple selection is supported.


// Add field to filter
   "id" => "CREATED_BY",
   "name" => "Created by",
   "type" => "custom_entity"

// Create event handler
BX.addCustomEvent('BX.Main.Filter:customEntityFocus', onFieldFocus);
BX.addCustomEvent('BX.Main.Filter:customEntityBlur', onFieldBlur);

function onFieldFocus(Field) {
   // Set link to a popup window container
   // BX.Main.ui.CustomEntity.setPopupContainer(container)
   // Show a popup window

function onFieldBlur() {
   // Hide window

Entity selection dialog. Type: entity_selector

Note: starting from Main module version 21.200.0 (main) the component main.ui.filter now has support of entity selection dialog.

Implements interface for selecting elements via EntitySelector: entity selection dialog.

Uses the type custom_entity described above as the basic field. User interface is implemented as text field with inserted values.

Upon focusing on the enter field, shows entity selection dialog with option to search by entered text.

KeyTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
multipleBoolNoarray('multiple' => 'N')Receives values 'Y'|'N'. Defines if entity selection is multiple.
addEntityIdToResultBoolNoarray('addEntityIdToResult' => 'N')Receives values 'Y'|'N'. Defines, necessary to add entity type ID to generated value.
dialogOptionsArrayNo - Associative array that defines settings for entity selection dialog.

With addEntityIdToResult=Y, the selected value will be generated as an array in JSON format. Array contains two elements:

  • entity type ID;
  • entity ID (similar с ItemId у EntitySelector).

This flag can be used when several types of entities are available for selection.

dialogOptions array structure matches to [link=13503304]DialogOptions[/link] object fields for entity selection dialog. Correspondingly, dynamic and static lists of elements are supported.


Example 1. User selection

$field = [
   'id' => 'USER_ID',
   'name' => 'User',
   'type' => 'entity_selector',
   'params' => [
       'multiple' => 'Y',
       'dialogOptions' => [
           'height' => 240,
           'context' => 'filter',
           'entities' => [
                   'id' => 'user',
                   'options' => [
                       'inviteEmployeeLink' => false
                   'id' => 'department',

Example 2. Selection from static list

This example uses entities of various types. That's why this addEntityIdToResult flag is set for resulting filter to get full information about selected element.

$field = [
   'id' => 'STUFF',
   'name' => 'Miscellaneous',
   'type' => 'entity_selector',
   'params' => [
       'multiple' => 'N',
       'addEntityIdToResult' => 'Y',
       'dialogOptions' => [
           'items' => [
               [ 'id' => 1, 'entityId' => 'my-entity', 'title' => 'Пункт A', 'tabs' => 'my-tab' ],
               [ 'id' => 2, 'entityId' => 'my-entity', 'title' => 'Пункт B', 'tabs' => 'my-tab' ],
               [ 'id' => 3, 'entityId' => 'my-entity', 'title' => 'Пункт C', 'tabs' => 'my-tab' ],
               [ 'id' => 1, 'entityId' => 'my-user', 'title' => 'John Smith', 'tabs' => 'my-tab' ],
               [ 'id' => 2, 'entityId' => 'my-user', 'title' => 'Jeremy Smith', 'tabs' => 'my-tab' ],
               [ 'id' => 'USD', 'entityId' => 'my-currency', 'title' => 'USD', 'tabs' => 'my-tab' ],
           'tabs' => [
               [ 'id' => 'my-tab', 'title' => 'My tab' ]
           'showAvatars' => false,

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