The component main.user.selector is a control, ready to be embedded into the various entities selection form.
It can be found in the site structure inside the folder /bitrix/components/bitrix/main.user.selector
Parameter | Description |
ID | Selector unique ID (value type - string). |
API_VERSION | Selector API version (value type - number: default - 2, also supports 3 - with saving of selected entity in "Recents" immediately after it has been selected). |
LIST | Array of entity codes, listed as already selected. For example:
[ 'U1', 'SG2', 'DR3' ] . |
INPUT_NAME | Form field name that passes the selected value (values). To use multiple selection, use the value FIELD[ ] . |
USE_SYMBOLIC_ID | Can be true or false. Use entity symbolic ID code instead of numerical. Default - false, but if you plan to select entities of different types - use true. |
BUTTON_SELECT_CAPTION | Language message for control element that opens the selector when no elements are selected (default - "select"). |
BUTTON_SELECT_CAPTION_MORE | Language message for control element that opens the selector when at least one element is selected (default - "select"). |
OPEN_DIALOG_WHEN_INIT | Indicates whether to open the selector popup immediately after control's initialization (and not by clicking on it). Can have the values: true or false. By default: false. |
UNDELETABLE | Array of entity codes to be displayed in the selector without option to be deleted. |
LAZYLOAD | Postpone data upload to selector (when LIST parameter is empty) before selector opening. Can have the values: Y/N. Default - N, i. e. uploads data immediately. |
SELECTOR_OPTIONS | Set of options to pass the selection into a popup control. |
// Do employees have option to select entity "To all employees" <? $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent( 'bitrix:main.user.selector', ' ', [ "ID" => "mail_client_config_queue", "API_VERSION" => 3, "LIST" => array_keys($crmQueueSelected), "INPUT_NAME" => "fields[crm_queue][]", "USE_SYMBOLIC_ID" => true, "BUTTON_SELECT_CAPTION" => Loc::getMessage("MAIL_CLIENT_CONFIG_CRM_QUEUE_ADD"), "SELECTOR_OPTIONS" => [ "departmentSelectDisable" => "Y", 'context' => 'MAIL_CLIENT_CONFIG_QUEUE', 'contextCode' => 'U', 'enableAll' => 'N', 'userSearchArea' => 'I' ] ] ); ?>
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