

StoreTable class for handling table with warehouses.

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
getMapReturns list of fields for warehouse table.
getTableNameReturns name for table with warehouses in database.
getUfIdReturns object ID with requested user fields.
validateAddressReturns validator for the field ADDRESS (warehouse address).
validateEmailReturns validator for the field EMAIL (email address).
validateGpsNReturns validator for the field GPS_N (GPS latitude).
validateGpsSReturns validator for the field GPS_S (GPS longitude).
validateImageIdReturns validator for the field IMAGE_ID (image code).
validatePhoneReturns validator for the field PHONE (warehouse phone).
validateScheduleReturns validator for the field SCHEDULE (work schedule).
validateSiteIdReturns validator for the field SITE_ID (site ID).
validateTitleReturns validator for the field TITLE (warehouse name).
validateXmlIdReturns validator for the field XML_ID (external code).
validateCodeReturns validator for the field CODE.

Warehouse fields

Field Description Type Required
ID Warehouse code (ID). Int Yes
TITLE Warehouse name. Varchar(75)No
ACTIVEActivity status (Y/N).Char(1) Yes
ADDRESSWarehouse address.Varchar(245)Yes
DESCRIPTIONDescription.Text No
GPS_NGPS latitude.Varchar(15) No
GPS_SGPS longitude.Varchar(15) No
IMAGE_ID Image ID in files table.Varchar(45)No
DATE_MODIFY Date and time of the warehouse parameters update. DatetimeYes
DATE_CREATEDate and time for created warehouse.DatetimeNo
USER_ID User ID who created a warehouse. Int No
MODIFIED_BY ID for user who most recently modified the warehouse. Int No
PHONE Warehouse phone. Varchar(45) No
SCHEDULE Warehouse schedule. Varchar(255) No
XML_ID External ID. Varchar(255) No
SORT Sorting ID. IntYes
EMAIL Email address. Varchar(255) No
ISSUING_CENTER Flag "Pick-up location" (Y/N). Char(1) Yes
SHIPPING_CENTER Flag "For shipping" (Y/N). Char(1)Yes
SITE_ID Site identifier. Char(2) No

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