

RoundingTable class for handling tase with price rounding off rules.

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
allowClearCacheMethod allows resetting cache after several uses of methods add/update/delete. Always works jointly with the method disallowClearCache.
clearCacheResets managed cache.
clearPriceTypeIdsClears array of price type IDs, processed when using methods add/update.
deleteByPriceTypeDeletes rounding off rules for price type with code $priceType.
disallowClearCacheProhibits resetting cache after several uses of methods add/update/delete. Always works jointly with the method allowClearCache.
getMapReturns list of fields for table with price rounding off rules.
getRoundTypesReturns array with rounding off types.
getTableNameReturns name for tables with price rounding off rules.
isAllowedClearCacheChecks if cache reset is permitted or not.
onAfterAddDefault handler for the event onAfterAdd.
onAfterDeleteDefault handler for the event onAfterDelete.
onAfterUpdateDefault handler for the event onAfterUpdate.
onBeforeAddDefault handler for the event onBeforeAdd.
onBeforeUpdateDefault handler for the event onBeforeUpdate.
onDeleteDefault handler for the event onDelete.
onUpdateDefault handler for the event onUpdate.
setPriceTypeIdsGenerates list of price types with added/updated/deleted rounding off rules

Rounding off rules fields

Field DescriptionType Required
ID Rule ID.Int Yes
CATALOG_GROUP_ID Price type ID.Int Yes
PRICE Minimal price. Decimal(18, 4) Yes
ROUND_TYPE Ronding off type.Int Yes
ROUND_PRECISION Rounding off precision.Decimal(18, 4) Yes
CREATED_BY User ID who created rules. Int No
DATE_CREATE Date and time a rule is created. Datetime No
MODIFY_BY User who most recently modified a rule. Int No
DATE_MODIFY Date and time who modified a rule. Datetime No

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