DiscountTable class for handling table with product discounts.
Class methods
Method | Description | Available from version |
add | Adds a new discount according to data from the $data array. |
checkType | Verifies the field TYPE (discount type: standard or cumulative). |
convertCurrency | Recalculates discount parameters in other currency (store currency). | |
delete | Deletes discount with $primary key. |
getMap | Returns list of fields for table with product discounts. | |
getTableName | Returns name for table with product discounts. | |
update | Updates discount parameters with $primary key according to data from the $data array. |
validateCoupon | Returns validator for the field COUPON (coupon code). |
validateCurrency | Returns validator for the field CURRENCY (currency ID). |
validateName | Returns validator for the field NAME (discount name). |
validateNotes | Returns validator for the field NOTES (discount brief description). |
validateSiteId | Returns validator for the field SITE_ID (site identifier). |
validateType | Returns validator for the field TYPE (discount type: standard or cumulative). |
validateXmlId | Returns validator for the field XML_ID (external ID). |
Product discount fields
Field | Description | Type | Required |
ID | Discount ID. | Int | Yes |
XML_ID | External ID. | Varchar(255) | No |
SITE_ID | Site ID. | Char(2) | Yes |
TYPE | Discout type: standard of cumulative. | Int | Yes |
ACTIVE | Active status flag. | Char(1) | Yes |
ACTIVE_FROM | Discount start date. | Datetime | No |
ACTIVE_TO | Discount end date. | Datetime | No |
RENEWAL | Flag "Applicable to subscription extension". | Char(1) | Yes |
NAME | Discount name. | Varchar(255) | No |
SORT | Sort order. | Int | Yes |
MAX_DISCOUNT | Maximum discount value. | Decimal(18,4) | No |
VALUE_TYPE | Discount type (P - in percent, F - fixed value, S - set price for product). | Char(1) | Yes |
VALUE | Discount length. | Decimal(18,4) | Yes |
CURRENCY | Currency. | Char(3) | Yes |
TIMESTAMP_X | Date and time for discount update. | Datetime | Yes |
COUNT_PERIOD | Period to calculate discount (U - for all the time, P - for the last days/months/years, D - for a period). | Char(1) | Yes |
COUNT_SIZE | Period length, with selected paid orders. | Int | Yes |
COUNT_TYPE | Period type (D - day, M - month, Y - year). | Char(1) | Yes |
COUNT_FROM | Date when discount calculation period starts. | Datetime | No |
COUNT_TO | Date when discount calculation period ends. | Datetime | No |
ACTION_SIZE | Discount period. | Int | Yes |
ACTION_TYPE | Discount validity deadline. | Char(1) | Yes |
MODIFIED_BY | Last user ID who modified a discount. | Int | No |
DATE_CREATE | Date and time for discount creation. | Datetime | No |
CREATED_BY | User ID who created discount. | Int | No |
PRIORITY | Application priority. | Int | Yes |
LAST_DISCOUNT | Flag "Last discount" (Y/N). | Char(1) | Yes |
VERSION | Discount engine version. Read only field. | Int | Yes |
NOTES | Brief description. | Varchar(255) | No |
CONDITIONS | Discount application conditions. | Text | No |
UNPACK | PHP code for discount application conditions. Read only field. | Text | No |
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