

CatalogViewedProductTable class for handling table with products viewed on site.

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
clearClears legacy data from table with products viewed on site.
clearAgentAgent for clearing legacy dat from from table with products viewed on site.
getMapReturns list of fields for table with products viewed on site.
getProductSkuMapReturns map with following structure: product - SKU.
getProductsMapReturns list product IDs as follows: key - SKU ID - product ID.
getTableNameReturns name for table with product viewed on site.
refreshGeneral method for updating or inserting into table an entry about product viewed on site.
validateRecommendationReturns validator for the field RECOMMENDATION.
validateSiteIdReturns validator for the field SITE_ID.

Fields for table of viewed products

Field Description Type Required
ID Entry ID.Int Да
FUSER_ID Buyer ID.Int Да
DATE_VISIT Date and time for the recently viewed product.Datetime Да
PRODUCT_ID Product ID (SKU).Int Yes
ELEMENT_ID Parent product ID. Int Yes
SITE_IDSite ID. Char(2) Yes
VIEW_COUNTNumber of views Int Yes
RECOMMENDATIONRecommendation type. Varchar(40) No

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