This method is for use with the Oracle version only!
mixed CDatabase::QueryBindSelect( string sql, array binds, bool ignore_errors=false, string error_position="" )
The method executes a "SEL ECT" SQL query that require variable binding. Non-static method.
The method returns an CDBResult object class on success.
If an error occurs and the ignore_errors parameter equals "true", the method returns "false".
If an error occurs and the ignore_errors parameter equals "false", the method interrupts page execution, the method interrupts page execution and performs the following operations beforehand:
- Calls the AddMessage2Log method.
- If the current user is a site administrator, the /bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php file has the initialized $DBDebug=true; variable, the screen will display the full text of the error, otherwise the SendError method will be called.
- The /bitrix/php_interface/dbquery_error.php file will be connected. If it doesn't exist, the file /bitrix/modules/main/include/dbquery_error.php file will be connected instead.
Parameter | Description | |
sql | SQL query. | |
binds | Array of BLOB, CLOB, LONG fields etc. in the array("field name" => "value" [, ...]) format. | |
ignore_errors | Specifies to ignore errors. If set to "true", the method returns "false" when an error is encountered.
If the ignore_errors parameter equals "false", then in case of an error the function terminates execution of complete page. Optional; "false" by default. | |
error_position | String that identifies position in code fr om where the CDatabase::QueryBindSelect method was called. If an SQL query fails and the file/bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php has the $DBDebug=true; variable, both error_position and SQL query will be displayed on the screen. Optional. |
See Also
Examples of use
<? $strSql = " SELECT * FR OM my_table WH ERE :url like '/en/index.php%' "; $arrBind = array("url" => $APPLICATION->GetCurUri()); $rs = $DB->QueryBindSelect($strSql, $arrBind, false, "F: ".__FILE__." L: ".__LINE__); ?>
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