
Introduction to AD/LDAP

Integrating a site in the corporate information system usually requires distributing team members’ permissions to access the site resources and management. A common solution to this problem is creating user groups with different access permissions applied to them and further adding users to these groups. In this case, an administrator may face a need to transfer the existing corporate user groups to the site management system (hereinafter referred to as CMS) to allow users to assess and manage the corporate site resources. This incurs doubling actions required to change access permissions or add a new user to both the corporate network and the CMS: the administrator has to create or edit a user profile in the corporate system as well as in the CMS.

This module enables to integrate the Bitrix Site Manager in the corporate networks built on Windows Server 2000 or 2003, Unix or Novell.

The AD/LDAP module is developed especially for use with the Bitrix Site Manager permits mapping corporate network user groups to those of the CMS. This allows to manage user groups of the corporate information system in the centralized fashion.

This manual describes the scope and implementation of the Bitrix Site Manager AD/LDAP module functions. An approach to set up the module and assign corporate user groups to those of the Bitrix Site Manager is also highlighted.

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