Date and Time
All dates are handled via API (inserting, retrieving, filters and etc.) in a current site format or, in case of admin section, in current language format.
The following functions are used for handling date and time:
- CDatabase::CharToDateFunction
- CDatabase::DateToCharFunction
- CDatabase::CurrentDateFunction
- CDatabase::CurrentTimeFunction
- CDataBase::DateFormatToPHP
- CDataBase::DatetimeToTimestampFunction
- CDataBase::FormatDate
- ConvertDateTime
- MakeTimeStamp
- ConvertTimeStamp
- CDataBase::IsDate
- CDataBase::CompareDates
- AddToTimeStamp
- ParseDateTime
- getmicrotime
- GetTimeFormat
- GetDateFormat
Date and time format are specified using the designations listed below:
- YYYY - year
- MM - month
- DD - dat
- HH - hours
- MI - minutes
- SS - seconds
Starting from the main module version 11.5.4 supports the 12-hour time format and some new month display formats:
- MMMM - full month (for display only);
- M - first 3 month letters;
- G - hour from 1-12 (without leading zero);
- GG - 0-23 (without leading zero);
- H - 01-12;
- HH - 00-23;
- TT - AM/PM (upper case);
- T - am/pm.
Methods, used in SQL queries
CDatabase::CharToDateFunction - returns SQL code for converting string to the database time format
<? $strSql = " SELECT ID FROM my_table WHERE DATE_CREATE <= ".$DB->CharToDateFunction("10.01.2003 23:59:59")." "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); ?>
- CDatabase::DateToCharFunction - returns SQL code for converting time from database time format into a sting.
<? $strSql = " SELECT ID, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("DATE_CREATE")." DATE_CREATE FROM my_table "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); ?>
- CDatabase::CurrentDateFunction - returns SQL code for getting a current date.
<? $strSql = " SELECT ID FROM my_table WHERE DATE_CREATE<=".$DB->CurrentDateFunction() "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); ?>
- CDatabase::CurrentTimeFunction - returns SQL code for getting current time in the database time format.
<? $strSql = " UPDATE my_table SET TIME_CHANGE=".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction()." WHERE ID=45 "; $Query($strSql, false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br>LINE: ".__LINE__); ?>
- CDatabase::DatetimeToTimestampFunction - returns a valid timestamp without querying MakeTimeStamp.
<? $strSql = " SELECT ID, ".$DB-> DatetimeToTimestampFunction("DATE_CREATE")." DATE_CREATE FROM my_table "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); ?>
Format conversion
- CDataBase::DateFormatToPHP - converts format, permitted in site settings into the format accepted in PHP.
<? echo $DB->DateFormatToPHP("DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS"); // d.m.Y H:i:s ?>
- CDataBase::FormatDate - converts time from one string format to a string of arbitrary format.
<? echo $DB->FormatDate("31.12.2005", "DD.MM.YYYY", "YYYY-MM-DD"); // 2005-12-31 ?>
- ConvertDateTime - converts time from one string format to a string of arbitrary format.
<? echo ConvertDateTime("25.12.2003", "YYYY-MM-DD", "ru"); // 2003-12-25 ?>
- MakeTimeStamp - converts time from a string into Unix format.
<? echo MakeTimeStamp("07.04.2005 11:32:00", "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS"); // 1112862720 ?>
- ConvertTimeStamp - converts time from Unix format into a site format string.
<? echo ConvertTimeStamp(mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 25, 2003), "SHORT", "ru"); // 25.10.2003 ?>
Additional functions
- CDataBase::IsDate - checks for validity the date specified as string.
<? echo $DB->IsDate("12.10.2005 22:34:15", "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS") ? "OK" : "ERROR"; // OK echo $DB->IsDate("12.13.2005 22:34:15", "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS") ? "OK" : "ERROR"; // ERROR echo $DB->IsDate("12.13..2005 ABS", "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS") ? "OK" : "ERROR"; // ERROR ?>
- CDataBase::CompareDates - compares two dates specified as strings.
<? echo $DB->CompareDates("01.01.2005", "01.01.2006"); // -1 echo $DB->CompareDates("01.01.2006", "01.01.2005"); // 1 echo $DB->CompareDates("01.01.2006", "01.01.2006"); // 0 ?>
- AddToTimeStamp - adds a specified time interval to the date in Unix format.
<? $stmp = MakeTimeStamp("07.04.2005 11:32:00", "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS"); $stmp = AddToTimeStamp(array("DD" => -1, "MM" => 1), $stmp); // 1115454720 echo date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $stmp); // 06.05.2005 11:32:00 ?>
- ParseDateTime - returns an associative array describing the date specified as string.
<? if ($arr = ParseDateTime("21.01.2004 23:44:15", "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS")) { echo "День: ".$arr["DD"]."<br>"; // Day: 21 echo "Месяц: ".$arr["MM"]."<br>"; // Month: 1 echo "Год: ".$arr["YYYY"]."<br>"; // Year: 2004 echo "Часы: ".$arr["HH"]."<br>"; // Hours: 23 echo "Минуты: ".$arr["MI"]."<br>"; // Minutes: 44 echo "Секунды: ".$arr["SS"]."<br>"; // Seconds: 15 } else echo "Error!"; ?>
- getmicrotime - returns current time in Unix format.
<? echo getmicrotime(); // 1115454720 ?>
- GetDateFormat - Returns site's date (time) format.
<? // prints current date in current site format echo date($DB->DateFormatToPHP(CSite::GetDateFormat("SHORT")), time()); ?>
- GetTimeFormat - Returns time format, specified in site settings.
<? echo $GLOBALS["DB"]->DateFormatToPHP( CSite::GetTimeFormat() ); ?>
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