Classes and Methods
System kernel consists of function, events and the following classes:
Class | Description | Available from version |
CMain | Main class. | |
CDatabase | Class to work with database. | |
CDBResult | Class of request result. | |
CAgent | Class to work with agents. | |
CEvent | Class to send mail event. | |
CEventMessage | Class to work with mail events templates. | |
CEventType | Class to work with types of mail events. | |
CFile | Class work with files and images. | |
CUser | Class to work with users. | |
CGroup | Class to work with user groups. | |
CSite | Class to work with sites. | |
CLanguage | Class to work with languages. | |
CMainPage | Class to use at the index page of Bitrix24 account. | |
CMenu | Menu processing. | |
CModule | Module management. | |
COption | Class to work with module parameters. | |
CPageOption | Class to with with parameters that are active only on the page. | |
CPageCache | Class for HTML caching. | |
CPHPCache | Class for PHP-variables and HTML caching. | |
CAdminFileDialog | Class to work with file dialogue in the administrative section. | |
CComponentEngine | Class encapsulates helper methods. | |
CDiskQuota | Class to work with disk quotas. | |
CUserTypeEntity | Class to work with user fields. | |
CAdminPage | ||
CApplicationException | Class to work with exceptions. | |
CBitrixComponent | Class - component wrapper. | |
CBitrixComponentTemplate | Class - component template wrapper. | |
CRatings | Class to work with ratings. | |
CUserFieldEnum | Class to work with user "list" field types. | |
CUserCounter | Class to work with user counters. | |
CBXSanitizer | Class to clean up HTML-text from tags and attributes, entered by the user. Such tags and attributes are not listed in the "whitelist" for tags and attributes permitted for use. | |
CAdminNotify | Class to work with notifications. | |
CBXVirtualIo | Class to work with files of public section. | |
CBXVirtualFile | Class of file from public section. | |
CBXVirtualDirectory | Class of folder from public section. | |
CSmile | Class to work with smileys. | |
CSmileSet | Class to work with smiley packages. | |
CSmileGallery | Class to work with smiley galleries. | |
CEventLog | Class to work with the log. |
Important! Class parameters have LID. It has different values, if used in administrative or public sections. In the administrative section, LID - is the language ID, in public section, LID - is the site ID.
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