

CurrencyTable class handles currency table.

inheritance chain

Descendant of class ="_blank" href="">Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\DataManager (prior to the Main version 18.0.2 - descendant of class Bitrix\Main\Entity\DataManager).

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
getMapMethod returns list of field for currency rate table.
getTableNameMethod returns database name for currency table.
Method returns validator for the field CURRENCY.
[link=11514072]validateNumcodeMethod returns validator for the field NUMCODE.

Currency fields

Field Description Type Req.
CURRENCY Currency code.Сhar(3) Да
AMOUNT_CNT Number of currency units by default. These units participate in setting currency rate.Int Да
AMOUNT Currency rate by default.Decimal(18, 4) Yes
SORT Sort order сортировки.Int No
DATE_UPDATE Date and time of currency update.Datetime No
NUMCODE Three-digit numerical code.Char(3) No
BASE Flag (Y/N) for base currency.Char(1) Yes
CREATED_BY User ID who added a currency.Int Yes
DATE_CREATE Date when currency is created. Datetime Yes
MODIFIED_BY User ID who modified the currency.Int No
CURRENT_BASE_RATE Current currency rate. Decimal(26, 12) No

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