

CurrencyManager class for managing currencies.

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
checkCurrencyIDChecks currency identifier.
checkLanguageChecks identifier of interface language.
clearCurrencyCacheResets currency cache.
clearTagCacheResets tagged currency cache.
currencyBaseRateAgentCalculates and updates current price of single currency unit for base currency.
getBaseCurrencyReturns base currency ID code.
getCurrencyListReturns list of all currencies in the following format: key - currency code, value - currency name in the current language.
getInstalledCurrenciesReturns list of currencies, created when installing Currency module.
isCurrencyExistChecks currency existence by its ID.
updateBaseCurrencySets currency as base currency.
updateBaseRatesCalculates and saves actual currency rate at present date in the currency table against the base currency based on the currency rates already specified in the database.

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