GroupTable table for connected site groups.
Class | Description | Available from version |
getMap | Returns list of fields with types. | |
getTableName | Returns database table name for an entity. | |
validateCheckCounterSites | Returns validators for the field CHECK_COUNTER_SITES . | |
validateCheckCounterFreeSpace | Returns validators for the field CHECK_COUNTER_FREE_SPACE . | |
validateName | Returns validators for the field NAME . | |
validateCheckCounterLastAuth | Returns validators for the field CHECK_COUNTER_LAST_AUTH . | |
validateCheckCounterUsers | Returns validators for the field CHECK_COUNTER_USERS . |
Table with group of connected sites
Field | Description | Type | Required |
ID | Identifier. | int | Y |
TIMESTAMP_X | Date of recent parameter update. | datetime | Y |
NAME | Group name. | varchar(255) | Y |
UPDATE_PERIOD | Automatic counter update period. | int | Y |
DISABLE_DEACTIVATED | Field is not used | char(1) | N |
DESCRIPTION | Description. | text | N |
MODIFIED_BY | Modified by. | int | N |
DATE_CREATE | Created on. | datetime | Y |
CREATED_BY | Created by. | int | N |
INSTALL_INFO | Installation data. | text | N |
UNINSTALL_INFO | Uninstallation data. | text | N |
INSTALL_PHP | Code, executing at the connected site when this group is assigned. | text | N |
UNINSTALL_PHP | Code executed when switching groups. | text | N |
TRIAL_PERIOD | demo period time (in seconds). Manages the option ~controller_trial of the main module. | int | N |
COUNTER_UPDATE_PERIOD | Counter update period. | int | N |
CHECK_COUNTER_FREE_SPACE | Update free space counter | char(1) | N |
CHECK_COUNTER_SITES | Update site counter. | char(1) | N |
CHECK_COUNTER_USERS | Update user counter. | char(1) | N |
CHECK_COUNTER_LAST_AUTH | Update recent authorization counter. | char(1) | N |
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