

AuthGrantTable table for issued user access permissions for specific operations with connected sites.

Class Description Available from version
getGranteeUserList Returns array of users having access permissions for operations with site connected to controller.
getActiveForControllerMember Returns list of access permissions, granted to a user ($granteeUserId) на сайте ($controllerMemberId).
validateScope Returns validators for the field NAME.
validateNote Returns validators for the field NOTE.
getMap Returns list of fields with types.
getTableName Returns database table namer this entity.

Table with issued access permissions

Field Description Type Required
TIMESTAMP_X Time of issued permission.datetime Y
GRANTED_BY User ID who issued access permission. int Y
CONTROLLER_MEMBER_ID Site ID used for issuing access permission. int Y
GRANTEE_USER_ID User ID who receives issued access permission. int N
GRANTEE_GROUP_ID Group ID that receives issued access permission. int N
ACTIVE Access permission activity status. char(1) N
SCOPE List of access permissions. varchar(20) Y
DATE_START Date of start. datetime N
DATE_END Date of finish. datetime N
NOTE Notes. varchar(255) N

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