
Catalog in core D7


List of classes for the Catalog module in core D7

Class, namespaceDescription
CatalogIblockTableClass for handling table containing iblocks that are catalogs.
CatalogViewedProductTableClass for handling table with products viewed on site.
DiscountNamespace contains classes for handling product discounts.
DiscountCouponTableClass for handling table with discount coupons.
DiscountModuleTableClass for handling table with modules required for discount.
DiscountRestrictionTableClass for handling table with restrictions on applicable discounts.
DiscountTableClass for handling table with product discounts.
EbayNamespace contains classes for integration with Ebay.
ExtraTableClass for handling table containing extra charges.
GroupAccessTableClass for handling user group access permissions for view and purchase products using price types available in the system.
GroupLangTableClass for handling table with price type language-dependant parameters.
GroupTableClass for handling table with price types.
HelpersNamespace for helper classes.
MeasureRatioTableClass for handling tables containing product units of measurement.
MeasureTableClass, describing the table with units of measurements.
PriceTableClass for handling table with product prices.
ProductNamespace contains classes for handling products and their estimates.
ProductGroupAccessTableClass for handling table with purchasable access permissions for content.
ProductTableClass for handling table with catalog products.
RoundingTableClass for handling table with price rounding rules.
StoreBarcodeTableClass for table with barcodes.
StoreProductTableClass for handling products stored at warehouses.
StoreTableClass for handling table with warehouses.
SubscribeAccessTableClass for handling table with data for authentication of product subscribers without user registration.
SubscribeTableClass for handling table containing subscriptions to unavailable products.
VatTableClass for handling table with VAT rates.

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