Adding items to shopping cart
Attention! It's recommended to use methods to handle shopping cart for: D7 core.
Catalog module includes wrapper functions for handling sales module:
Attention! Function Add2Basket has deprecated and is no longer supported starting from catalog 16.5.0.
int Add2Basket( int PRICE_ID[, int QUANTITY = 1[, array arRewriteFields = array()[, array arProductParams = array()]]] );
Function adds a product to shopping cart with PRICE_ID in amount of QUANTITY unit (single unit by default) and returns product item code inside shopping cart. This function is a wrapper for CSaleBasket::Add, but is allocated in the Catalog module.
Function parameters
Parameter | Description |
PRICE_ID | Product price ID. |
QUANTITY | Number of added product items (by default - single item) |
arRewriteFields | Array with keys for shopping cart class matches with the same-name array of class CSaleBasket, except the key module_id. |
arProductParams | Array, containing list of product properties, added to the shopping cart. Keys:
Note: array items have continuous numbering, starting from zero, prior to version 11.0.2.
Returned value
Code for entry inserted to shopping cart or False on error.
Possible errors:
- Online store module is not installed;
- search bot attempt to add a product to the shopping cart (only with available Web Analytics module and bot calculation based on UserAgent);
- price or price types are missing for specified quantity and used for purchase by user;
- access permissions are missing for reading an iblock element with the price added to shopping cart.
<? if (CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) { if (($action == "ADD2BASKET" || $action == "BUY") && IntVal($PRICE_ID)>0) { Add2Basket( $PRICE_ID, 2, array(), array( array("NAME" => "Цвет", "CODE" => "CLR", "VALUE" => "красный"), array("NAME" => "Размер", "VALUE" => "25") ) ); if ($action == "BUY") LocalRedirect("basket.php"); } } ?>
Attention! Function Add2BasketByProductID has deprecated and is no longer supported starting from catalog module version 16.5.0. Use the method \Bitrix\Catalog\Product\Basket::addProduct.
int Add2BasketByProductID( int PRODUCT_ID[, int QUANTITY = 1[, array arProductParams = array()]] );
After version 11.5.7, a new call variant has become available (old call retains its operability as well):
int Add2BasketByProductID( $PRODUCT_ID, $QUANTITY = 1, $arRewriteFields = array(), $arProductParams = false);
Function adds to shopping cart a product with PRODUCT_ID and QUANTITY items (single item by default) and returns product item code inside shopping cart. This function is a wrapper for CSaleBasket::Add, but allocated in the Commercial Catalog module.
Function parameters
Parameter | Description | Available from version |
PRODUCT_ID | Product code. | |
QUANTITY | Amount of added product items (by default - single item) | |
arRewriteFields | Array with keys for shopping cart class matches to identically names array of class CSaleBasket. | 11.5.7 |
arProductParams | Array, containing list of product properties added to shopping cart. Keys:
Note: prior to version 11.0.2 array items were numbered incorrectly, starting from zero.
| 11.5.7 |
Add2BasketByProductID( $PRODUCT_ID, $QUANTITY, array('ORDER_ID' => intval($arItems['ORDER_ID'])), array() );
Returned value
Entry code, inserted to shopping cart or False otherwise.
Possible errors:
- Online store module is not installed;
- search bot attempt to add a product to the shopping cart (only with available Web Analytics module and bot calculation based on UserAgent);
- price or price types are missing for specified quantity and used for purchase by user;
- access permissions are missing for reading an iblock element with the price added to shopping cart.
<? if (CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) { if (($action == "ADD2BASKET" || $action == "BUY") && IntVal($PRODUCT_ID)>0) { Add2BasketByProductID( $PRODUCT_ID, 2, array( array("NAME" => "Цвет", "CODE" => "CLR", "VALUE" => "красный"), array("NAME" => "Размер", "VALUE" => "25") ) ); if ($action == "BUY") LocalRedirect("basket.php"); } } ?>