Notes for developers
Before calling any of the module functions or class methods, you have first to check for its availability and include the module using the following code:
<? if (CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) { // call module functions here } ?>
If you want to use any information block as a commercial catalog, you need to check whether this information block is a catalog (i.e. it is attached to the Commercial Catalog module) using the following code:
<? if (CCatalog::GetByID($IBLOCK_ID)) { // now you can handle the information block // as a catalog }?>
You can combine the above stated code into a single condition that checks for the module availability and includes it, as well as verifies for the ability of an information block $IBLOCK_ID to behave as a catalog:
<? if (CModule::IncludeModule("catalog") && CCatalog::GetByID($IBLOCK_ID)) { // now you can handle the information block // as a catalog } ?>
See Also
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