

Extension contains base class for components with forms.

Contains set of helper methods for standard action - events, standby rendering, data collection, query processing and etc.

The class itself does not do anything, it must be inherited.



Method Description Available from version
constructor(form, params) Constructor. Parameters:
  • form - DOM element(<form>)
  • params - list of additional parameters
init() Initialization. Called in constructor. Descendants add their code here to avoid redefining the constructor itself.
bindEvents() Event handlers initialization.
getLoader() Returns instance BX.Loader.
startProgress() Starts ajax query sending.
stopProgress() Finalizes ajax query processing.
prepareData() Collects data for sending. Method must return list. Does nothing in this class.
save(event) Sends query for saving.
afterSave(response) Method is called after successfully saving the result.
getSlider() Returns instance BX.Sidepanel.Slider, after component is shown in slider.
showErrors(errors) Renders errors.
hideErrors() Hides error messages.
delete(event) Executes ajax query for deleting. This method is empty in base class.
getPermissionSelectors() Returns array of lists where each list has the following structure:

    "action": "VIEW",
    "selector": "viewPermissionsSelector"
getPermissions() Collects access permission data from the form by selectors specified in getPermissionSelectors.
getPermission(node, action) Returns array with access permission configs from the node node for action.

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