


Abstract class defining field settings available for the user

Settings table can be viewed in the class Userfieldtable.

Public methods

Method Description Available from version
public function __construct(int $userId = nul) Constructor.

  • $userId - user ID with access to be defined. When not passed, takes current user ID
public static function getInstance(string $moduleId, int $userId = null): UserFieldAccess Method attempts to find descendant for the module $moduleId, creates its object and returns it. When descendant is not found, the method throw an exception \Bitrix\Main\ObjectNotFoundException.

  • $moduleId - module ID
  • $userId - user ID with access to be defined. When not passed, takes current user ID
public function setUserId(int $userId): UserFieldAccess Allows indicating user ID with access to be defined. Method returns $this.
public function getUserId(): int Method returns current user ID with access to be defined.
public function getRestrictedTypes(): array Method returns array of prohibited user field type IDs. Returns by default:
    'resourcebooking', // available in crm only
    'mail_message', // no way to edit
    'hlblock', // the field is not implemented yet
Descendants can re-define this list.
public function canReadWithFilter(array $filter): bool Method returns true when user have access to fields with account of $filter data.

  • $filter - array for filtering the user field settings
public function prepareFilter(array $filter = []): ?array Method returns filter by user field settings that user has access to. When user does not have access to any settings - returns null.

  • $filter - array for filtering user field settings
public function canRead(int $id): bool Method returns true when user can read user field settings with ID $id.

  • $id - user field settings ID
public function canAdd(array $field): bool Method returns true when user can add user field settings containing fields $fields.

  • $fields - set of user field setting fields
public function canUpdate(int $id): bool Method returns true when user can modify user field settings with ID $id.

  • $id - user field settings ID
public function canDelete(int $id): bool Method returns true when user can delete user field settings with ID $id.

  • $id - user field settings ID

Typical usage

In the most common scenario, access to user field settings is limited not on the level of individual fields, but on the level of entities. When user has access to single entity user field settings, this user, usually, has access to all fields of this entity.

In this case, only one abstract method getAvailableEntityIds must be defined in the descendant.

This method can return set of entity IDs (field ENTITY_ID) to which user has access.

For example, this method code for CRM will look as follows:

protected function getAvailableEntityIds(): array
    $permissions = \CCrmPerms::GetUserPermissions($this->userId);
    if($permissions->HavePerm('CONFIG', BX_CRM_PERM_CONFIG, 'WRITE'))
        return array_keys(\CCrmFields::GetEntityTypes());    	
    return [];

Here, checks user access permissions for updating the settings. When user has such access permissions, grants access to all entities.

However, CRM has "system" fields. Access to such fields must be limited to reading only (for example, fields for printing / company signature for printing in documents).

To implement such limit, re-define methods canUpdate and canDelete that must contain limited access to these fields.

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