

Query class contains queries.

Queries the namespace:

Class Description Available from version
addFilter Adds filter to the operator WHERE.
addGroup Adds field to the list of fields for operator GROUP BY.
addOrder Adds field to the list of fields for operator ORDER BY.
addSelect Creates field for operator SELECT.
disableDataDoubling Replaces all references 1:N in filter to ID IN
exec Builds and executes query and returns result.
fetchDataModificationCallback Method is called in \Main\DB\Result as modifier for selection data.
getFilter Returns array of fields for operator WHERE.
getGroup Returns array of fields for operator GROUP BY.
getLastQuery Returns string of the last returned query.
getLimit Returns a limit.
getOffset Returns an offset.
getOrder Returns array of fields for operator ORDER BY.
getQuery Builds and returns strings of SQL query.
getSelect Returns array of fields for operator SELECT.
isFetchModificationRequired Check if data modification is required and caches the modifier.
registerRuntimeField Adds field during query runtime.
setFilter Sets list o filters for operator WHERE.
setGroup Sets list of fields for operator GROUP BY.
setLimit Sets limit for operator LIMIT n.
setOffset Sets offset for operator LIMIT n, m.
setOrder Sets list of fields for operator ORDER BY
setSelect Compiles list of fields for operator SELECT.
buildFilterSql Sets conditions for SQL filter for WHERE.
setCustomBaseTableAlias Sets user alias for object initialization table.
cacheJoins Permits or prohibits query caching with join.

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