
Workflows in the old core


List of Workflow module interfaces in the old core

IBPWorkflowDocumentThis interface contains methods that workflows require to handle an element.


List of Workflow module classes in the old core

Class Description Available from version
CBPActivity Main class. released before version 8.5.3
CBPDocument Helper class, contains wrapper methods for convenient use of workflows module API. released before version 8.5.1
CBPRuntime Runtime environment class. Creates workflows as well as infrastructure to execute them. released before version 8.5.4
CBPWorkflow Workflow instance class. Manages workflow as well as executes its actions, compiles and processes events. released before version 8.5.6


List of Workflow module services in the old core

Service Description Available from version
SchedulerService Allows subscriptions to an external event: – истечение периода времени (работает с помощью функционала агентов).
StateService Handles workflow (document) для работы со статусами бизнес-процесса (документа).
TrackingService Allows writing information to log. The log writes system time events on workflow execution. For example, which actions were performed and which results were received. Additionally, any arbitrary information can be written into log.
TaskService Allows handling tasks for users.
HistoryService Allows saving documents to and restoring from documents возможность сохранять документ в историю и восстанавливать его из истории.
DocumentService Allows calling document methods.


List of Workflows module events in the old core

Event Called Method Available from version
OnAddToHistory before adding a record to history. CBPHistoryService::AddHistory 11.0.1
OnBeforeDeleteFileFromHistory before deleting file from history. CBPAllHistoryService::DeleteHistory 11.0.4
OnCreateWorkflow when creating a workflow instance. CBPRuntime::CreateWorkflow 11.0.4
OnTaskAdd when creating workflow task. CBPTaskService::Add 11.0.5
OnTaskDelete when deleting workflow task. CBPAllTaskService::DeleteByWorkflow 11.0.5
OnTaskMarkCompleted after a record for user task is deleted. This event is triggered several times in case a workflow has several workflows (for various users). CBPAllTaskService::MarkCompleted 11.0.5
OnTaskUpdate when updating a workflow task. CBPTaskService::Update 11.0.5
OnTaskDelegate when delegating a task. CBPTaskService::delegateTask 16.0.3
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