array CModule::GetModuleRightList()
The method returns an array describing a specialized schema of the module access permission distribution. This function is a method of class describing the specific module. If a module requires the specialized schema of access permission distribution, the CModule class of that module should implement this method. A situation is possible when a module supports the schema of access permission distribution (property MODULE_GROUP_RIGHTS="Y"), alike the standard one and the default schema is used. In this case, the array describing the default schema can be obtained using the CMain::GetDefaultRightList() function.
Note. The array describing the schema of the Kernel module access permission distribution can be obtained using the CMain::GetMainRightList()
Non-static method.
No parameters.See Also
Examples of use
<? // display permissions of installed modules $rs = CModule::GetList(); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) : $MID = $ar["ID"]; if ($MID!="main") : include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/".$MID."/install/index.php"); if (class_exists($MID)) : $obModule = new $MID; if ($obModule->MODULE_GROUP_RIGHTS=="Y") : if (method_exists($obModule, "GetModuleRightList")) $arRights = call_user_method("GetModuleRightList",$obModule); else $arRights = $APPLICATION->GetDefaultRightList(); echo $MID.": ".SelectBoxFromArray("RIGHTS_MODULE_".$MID, $arRights, ${"RIGHTS_MODULE_".$MID}, "<by default>"); endif; endif; else: $arRights = $APPLICATION->GetMainRightList(); echo $MID.": ".SelectBoxFromArray("RIGHTS_MODULE_".$MID, $arRights, ${"RIGHTS_MODULE_".$MID}, "<by default>"); endif; endwhile; ?>