string CMain::IncludeString( string text, array icons = array() )
The method takes a string and returns the HTML code of the specified text bordered in the frame decorated with the specified buttons. Non-static method.
Parameter | Description |
text | Text to insert in the frame (HTML code). |
icons | Array of button descriptors. Each descriptor is an array with the following keys:
See Also
Examples of use
<? $text = "Some HTML"; // if the button "Show included areas" is checked if ($APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas()) { $arIcons = Array(); $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/my_script1.php", "SRC" => "/images/my_icon1.gif", "ALT" => "tooltip text" ); $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/my_script2.php", "SRC" => "/images/my_icon2.gif", "ALT" => "tooltip text" ); // display text "Some HTML" in the frame, // with buttons my_icon1.gif and my_icon2.gif // linked to scripts my_script1.php and my_script2.php echo $APPLICATION->IncludeString($text, $arIcons); } else { // otherwise display "Some HTML" echo $text; } ?>
<? // file /bitrix/modules/advertising/classes/general/advertising.php // CAdvBanner // returns HTML of a banner by its type function Show($TYPE_SID, $HTML_BEFORE="", $HTML_AFTER="") { global $APPLICATION, $USER; $arBanner = CAdvBanner::GetRandom($TYPE_SID); $strReturn = CAdvBanner::GetHTML($arBanner); if (strlen($strReturn)>0) { CAdvBanner::FixShow($arBanner); if ($APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas()) { $isDemo = CAdvContract::IsDemo(); $arrPERM = CAdvContract::GetUserPermissions($arBanner["CONTRACT_ID"]); if (($isDemo || (is_array($arrPERM) && count($arrPERM)>0)) && $USER->IsAuthorized()) { $arIcons = Array(); $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/adv_banner_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&ID=".$arBanner["ID"]. "&CONTRACT_ID=".$arBanner["CONTRACT_ID"], "SRC" => "/bitrix/images/advertising/panel/edit_ad.gif", "ALT" => GetMessage("AD_PUBLIC_ICON_EDIT_BANNER") ); $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/adv_banner_list.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&find_id=".$arBanner["ID"]. "&find_id_exact_match=Y&find_contract_id[]=".$arBanner["CONTRACT_ID"]. "&find_type_sid[]=".$arBanner["TYPE_SID"]."&set_filter=Y", "SRC" => "/bitrix/images/advertising/panel/edit_ad_list.gif", "ALT" => GetMessage("AD_PUBLIC_ICON_BANNER_LIST") ); $strReturn = $APPLICATION->IncludeString($strReturn, $arIcons); } } $strReturn = $HTML_BEFORE.$strReturn.$HTML_AFTER; return $strReturn; } else return false; } ?>
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