void InitComponentVariables( string componentPage , array arComponentVariables , array arVariableAliases , array & arVariables );
The method supports variable aliases in complex components (both in CNC and standard modes). This method restores true variables from $_REQUEST based in their aliases. Static method.
Parameter | Description |
componentPage | For CNC mode: path template code, retrieved by the method CComponentEngine::ParseComponentPath. If the component does not work in CNC mode, this parameter must be equal to False. |
arComponentVariables | Array of variable names which can be received via query. This parameter has the array("variable name 1", "variable name 2", ...). |
arVariableAliases | Array of variable aliases. The format for CNC mode is as follows: array( "path template code 1" => array( "variable name 11" => "variable alias 11", "variable name 12" => "variable alias 12", * * * ), "path template code 2" => array( "variable name 21" => "variable alias 21", "variable name 22" => "variable alias 22", * * * ), * * * )For non-CNC mode: array( "variable name" => "variable alias", * * * ) |
arVariables | Variable to which the restored data is returned. |
// Non-CNC mode // This variable will accumulate true variable values $arVariables = array(); // Collect array of path templates from path template array // "default" $arDefaultUrlTemplates404 // and the array, passed in the input parameters $arParams["SEF_URL_TEMPLATES"] $arUrlTemplates = CComponentEngine::MakeComponentUrlTemplates($arDefaultUrlTemplates404, $arParams["SEF_URL_TEMPLATES"]); // Collect array of variable aliases from aliases array // "default" $arDefaultVariableAliases404 // and the array, passed in the input parameters $arParams["VARIABLE_ALIASES"] $arVariableAliases = CComponentEngine::MakeComponentVariableAliases($arDefaultVariableAliases404, $arParams["VARIABLE_ALIASES"]); // Determine template code that match with the current request page $componentPage = CComponentEngine::ParseComponentPath( $arParams["SEF_FOLDER"], $arUrlTemplates, $arVariables ); // If requested page does not match with any template, // specify a visibly displayed elements if (StrLen($componentPage) <= 0) $componentPage = "list"; // Now template code and variables are specified, // passed as the paths to the requested page // variables recorded in $arVariables // Restore variables passed in the request parameters // and write them in $arVariables CComponentEngine::InitComponentVariables($componentPage, $arComponentVariables, $arVariableAliases, $arVariables); // Now based on the path template code $componentPage // and true variables $arVariables, // determine which component template page must be displayed if ($componentPage == "element") $componentPage = "element"; elseif ($componentPage == "section1" || $componentPage == "section2") $componentPage = "section"; else $componentPage = "list"; $this->IncludeComponentTemplate( array( "FOLDER" => $arParams["SEF_FOLDER"], "URL_TEMPLATES" => $arUrlTemplates, "VARIABLES" => $arVariables, "ALIASES" => $arVariableAliases ), $componentPage );
// For non-CNC mode // This variable will accumulate values of true variables $arVariables = array(); // Collect an array of variable aliases from the alias array // "default" $arDefaultVariableAliases // and the array, passed in the input parameters $arParams["VARIABLE_ALIASES"] $arVariableAliases = CComponentEngine::MakeComponentVariableAliases($arDefaultVariableAliases, $arParams["VARIABLE_ALIASES"]); // Restore variables, retrieved in the request parameters // and write them in $arVariables CComponentEngine::InitComponentVariables(False, $arComponentVariables, $arVariableAliases, $arVariables); // Now based on the true variables $arVariables // you can determine which component template page must be displayed $componentPage = ""; if (IntVal($arVariables["ELEMENT_ID"]) > 0) $componentPage = "element"; elseif (IntVal($arVariables["IBLOCK_ID"]) > 0 || IntVal($arVariables["SECTION"]) > 0) $componentPage = "section"; else $componentPage = "list"; $this->IncludeComponentTemplate( array( "VARIABLES" => $arVariables, "ALIASES" => $arVariableAliases ), $componentPage );
See Also
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