
Meta user provider

Meta user provider

"Meta-user" entity has the meta-user ID and is implemented by the class Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Integration\UI\EntitySelector\MetaUserProvider.

Meta users are special types of users, without direct association to "user" entity. For example, "All users" or "Manager" meta users.

const tagSelector = new TagSelector({
    dialogOptions: {
        context: 'MY_MODULE_CONTEXT',
        entities: [
                id: 'user', // users
                id: 'meta-user',
                options: {
                    'all-users': true // All employees


Provider settings

  • all-users: bool | AllUsersOptions

    Defines "All users" meta user display.
    Defined either by true value, or structure AllUsersOptions for additional settings.

    export type AllUsersOptions = {
      title?: string,
      allowView?: boolean,
      deselectable?: boolean,
      availableInRecentTab?: boolean

    • title?: string — item title. Default value "All users" or "All employees".
    • allowView?: boolean — defines item availability in the dialog.
      By default, the "All users" item is displayed only for intranet users. You can force this verification using the option allowView.
    • deselectable?: boolean — when set as false, selection cannot be removed from the item.
    • availableInRecentTab?: boolean — defines item display at the "Recent" tab. Default value: true.
    • searchable?: boolean — defines item availability in search. Default value: false.
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