
BaseProvider class


Bitrix\UI\EntitySelector\BaseProvider — abstract class with inherited all data providers.

abstract class BaseProvider
    protected function __construct()

    public abstract function isAvailable(): bool;

    public abstract function getItems(array $ids): array;

    public abstract function getSelectedItems(array $ids): array;

    public function fillDialog(Dialog $dialog): void


    public function getChildren(Item $parentItem, Dialog $dialog): void


    public function doSearch(SearchQuery $searchQuery, Dialog $dialog): void


    public function handleBeforeItemSave(Item $item): void

    public function getOption(string $option, $defaultValue = null)


__construct(array $options = [])

Class constructor.

$options — array with arbitrary provider options, specified when creating dialog in JavaScript.

This method usually is used for verifying the input options and for filling an internal collection of $this->options. Use the method getOption for getting specified options.

class MyProvider extends \Bitrix\UI\EntitySelector\BaseProvider
  public function __construct(array $options = [])

    $this->options['myOption'] = true;
    if (isset($options['myOption']) && is_bool($options['myOption']))
        $this->options['myOption'] = $options['myOption'];


Method Description Available from version
isAvailable(): bool Abstract method. Returns true when data provider is available for use. Usually this method checks acess permissions for current user.

class MyProvider extends \Bitrix\UI\EntitySelector\BaseProvider
  public function isAvailable(): bool
    return $GLOBALS['USER']->isAuthorized();

getItems(array $ids): array Abstract method, gets array with IDs and must return array with Item objects.
  • $ids — item identifiers for current provider.

Getting data must consider access permissions for current user. Input array must contain only those items, accessible to the current user.

getSelectedItems(array $ids): array This abstract method is similar to getItems but is called for known to be preselected (option preselectedItems).

Difference between getItems and getSelectedItems can be shown by the "user" field example, i. e. there is a blog entry addressed to several users. When editing such entry by user, the "To" field must contain all target users, even dismissed (inactive) ones. Dismissed users, however, mustn't be included in the "Recent" list or at the tab with company structure. Method getSelectedItems returns data for dismissed employees and getItems — doesn't.

When entity doesn't have items that can have different visibility depending on context - implementations of getItems and getSelectedItems will match.

fillDialog(Dialog $dialog): void This method is executed upon dynamic load of dialog data. You can add tabs, items, a footer here and complete data in the "Recent" tab.
  • $dialog — object of dialog (class Dialog).
getChildren(Item $parentItem, Dialog $dialog): void Method is called when loading child items for tree-type entities.
  • $parentItem — parent item with loaded child items. Object of class Item.
  • $dialog — object of class (класс Dialog).
doSearch(SearchQuery $searchQuery, Dialog $dialog): void Method is called upon item dynamic loading.
  • $searchQuery — search query. Object of class SearchQuery.
  • $dialog — object of class (class Dialog).
handleBeforeItemSave(Item $item): void Method is called before saving item into the "recent" list. Can be used for cancelling the saving.
  • $item — saved item. Object of class Item.

class MyProvider extends \Bitrix\UI\EntitySelector\BaseProvider
  public function handleBeforeItemSave(Item $item): void
    if ($item->getEntityType() === 'email')
      // Отменяем сохранение
    elseif ($item->getEntityType() === 'another')
      // execute other operations

getOption(string $option, $defaultValue = null) Returns $option. When option is not specified, returns $defaultValue.
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