

Otp class implementing multi-factor authentication. Contains the majority of MFA logic. Employ methods of this class specifically in cases of OTP.

Method Description Available from version
activate Activates OTP for user.
canSkipMandatory Verifies if a user can skip OTP.
canSkipMandatoryByRights Verifies, if user access permissions require to connect OTP.
deactivate Deactivates OTP for user for a necessary number of days or permanently.
defer Defers a required OTP for a necessary period of days or permanently.
delete Deletes OTP entries from database. 14.5.6
getAlgorithm Returns instance of used OTP algorithm.
getAppSecret Returns generated mobile app token, used for manual device initialization.
getAttempts Returns counter of verification attempts.
getAvailableTypes Returns available OTP algorithm types.
getByType Returns new instance with required OTP algorithm.
getByUser Returns new instance for the user by its ID.
getContext Returns context for current query.
getDefaultType Returns default type of OTP algorithm.
getDeferredParams Returns deferred parameters.
getHexSecret Returns a secret, re-coded into hexadecimal notation.
getIssuer Returns provider or service ID parameter.
getLabel Returns label for provider or service ID parameter.
getMandatoryRights Returns set of user access permissions with mandatory OTP use.
getParams Returns user parameters (for example, counter for HotpAlgorithm - \Bitrix\Security\Mfa\HotpAlgorithm).
getProvisioningUri Returns URL for connecting mobile device according to KeyUriFormat.
getSecret Returns generated secret.
getSkipMandatoryDays Returns a time period (in days) for setting a required OTP.
getSyncParameters Returns synchronized user parameters.
getType Returs employed OTP algorithm type.
getTypesDescription Returns description for available OTP algorithms.
getUserId Returns user ID, attached to OTP instance.
getUserLogin Returns user login.
isActivated Returns OTP active status.
isAttemptsReached Verifies if number of authorization attempts, allowed by security policy, has been exceeded.
isCaptchaRequired Defines, if user can enter captcha code, before providing OTP password.
isMandatorySkipped Returns true when user can skip the required OTP.
isMandatoryUsing Defines, if required OTP is activated.
isOtpEnabled Verifies, if OTP feature is enabled.
isOtpRequired Returns true when user can enter OTP from user's device.
isOtpRequiredByMandatory Returns true, if user does not use OTP, but OTP is required and the number of connection days has expired.
isRecoveryCodesEnabled Defines if recovery codes are enabled.
regenerate Re-initializes OTP (new arbitrary token is generated (secret), standard algorithm is set and etc.).
save Saves all OTP data into database.
setActive Sets new activation status.
setAppSecret Sets new secret for mobile app.
setContext Sets context for current query.
setDefaultType Sets OTP algorithm type by default.
setDeferredParams Sets or deletes deferred parameters.
setHexSecret Sets new secret in hexadecimal notation.
getInitialDate Returns date of OTP initializations.
setIssuer Sets provider or service user ID parameter.
setLabel Sets a user label.
setMandatoryRights Sets OTP as required for user.
setMandatoryUsing Method activates or deactivates OTP.
setSecret Sets new secret.
setSkipMandatoryDays Method defines period (in days) for skipping a required OTP.
setType Sets new type of OTP algorithm.
setUserInfo Sets new user information.
setUserLogin Sets user login.
syncParameters Synchronizes user data for input.
syncParameters Synchronizes user parameters for input.
verify Confirms user inputted data.
verifyUser Responsible for complex OTP verification.

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