
Shopping cart properties

Attention!When shopping cart is associated with an order It's categorically prohibited to use the method \Bitrix\Sale\Basket::save() for saving shipments. Saving action must be performed via the order method: [link=\Bitrix\Sale\OrderBase::save]\Bitrix\Sale\Order::save(). Additionally, calling \Bitrix\Sale\BasketPropertiesCollection::save() will generate error E_WARNING.

  • Getting properties for product item in shopping cart
  • Getting a specific property
  • Adding a new property
  • Updating a property
  • Deleting a property
  • Redefine all available properties
  • Getting properties for product item in shopping cart

    • Handling collection
      $collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection();
      foreach ($collection as $item)
      	// $item - объект класса \Bitrix\Sale\BasketPropertyItem
    • Handling an array

      In addition to objects, there is an option to directly query database using the method \Bitrix\Sale\BasketPropertiesCollection::getList($parameters).

      Method always returns object Bitrix\Main\DB\Result and retrieve data using the method the method fetch().

      Parameter Description Available from version
      $parameters Array with structure fully matching ORM's getList.
      // getting list of properties for product with ID 123
      $dbRes = \Bitrix\Sale\BasketPropertiesCollection::getList([
      	'select' => ['*'],
      	'filter' => [
      		'=BASKET_ID' => 123, 
      while ($item = $dbRes->fetch())

    Getting a specific property

    $collection = $baketItem->getPropertyCollection();
    • by ID
      $property = $collection->getItemById($id);
    • by internal index
      $property = $collection->getItemByIndex($index);

    Adding a new property

    // $basket - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\Basket
    foreach ($basket as $basketItem)
    	$collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection();
    	$item = $collection->createItem();
    		'NAME' => 'New property',
    		'CODE' => 'XXX',
    		'VALUE' => 'Value',

    Updating a property

    // $basketItem - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\BasketItem
    $collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection();
    $property = $collection->getItemById(123);
    $property->setField('VALUE', 'new value');
    'NAME', // property name
    'VALUE', // property value
    'CODE', // property code
    'SORT', // sorting
    'XML_ID' // external code

    Deleting a property

    // $basketItem - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\Basket
    $collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection();
    $property = $collection->getItemById(123);

    Redefine all available properties

    Метод \Bitrix\Sale\BasketPropertiesCollection::redefine operates as follows:

    • when property is present in a collection, but is missing in the input data, the property will be deleted
    • when property is present in a collection as well as in the input data, the property will be updated
    • when property is missing in collection, but is present in the input data, the property will be added
    // $basket - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\BasketBase
    foreach ($basket as $basketItem)
    	$collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection();
    			'NAME' => 'New property',
    			'CODE' => 'XXX',
    			'VALUE' => 'Value',

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