Shopping cart properties
Attention!When shopping cart is associated with an order It's categorically prohibited to use the method \Bitrix\Sale\Basket::save()
for saving shipments. Saving action must be performed via the order method: [link=\Bitrix\Sale\OrderBase::save]\Bitrix\Sale\Order::save()
. Additionally, calling \Bitrix\Sale\BasketPropertiesCollection::save()
will generate error E_WARNING
Getting properties for product item in shopping cart
- Handling collection
$collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection(); foreach ($collection as $item) { // $item - объект класса \Bitrix\Sale\BasketPropertyItem }
Handling an array
In addition to objects, there is an option to directly query database using the method
.Method always returns object
and retrieve data using the method the methodfetch()
.Parameter Description Available from version $parameters Array with structure fully matching ORM's getList. // getting list of properties for product with ID 123 $dbRes = \Bitrix\Sale\BasketPropertiesCollection::getList([ 'select' => ['*'], 'filter' => [ '=BASKET_ID' => 123, ] ]); while ($item = $dbRes->fetch()) { var_dump($item); }
Getting a specific property
$collection = $baketItem->getPropertyCollection();
- by ID
$property = $collection->getItemById($id);
- by internal index
$property = $collection->getItemByIndex($index);
Adding a new property
// $basket - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\Basket foreach ($basket as $basketItem) { $collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection(); $item = $collection->createItem(); $item->setFields([ 'NAME' => 'New property', 'CODE' => 'XXX', 'VALUE' => 'Value', ]); }
Updating a property
// $basketItem - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\BasketItem $collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection(); $property = $collection->getItemById(123); $property->setField('VALUE', 'new value'); 'NAME', // property name 'VALUE', // property value 'CODE', // property code 'SORT', // sorting 'XML_ID' // external code
Deleting a property
// $basketItem - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\Basket $collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection(); $property = $collection->getItemById(123); $property->delete();
Redefine all available properties
Метод \Bitrix\Sale\BasketPropertiesCollection::redefine
operates as follows:
- when property is present in a collection, but is missing in the input data, the property will be deleted
- when property is present in a collection as well as in the input data, the property will be updated
- when property is missing in collection, but is present in the input data, the property will be added
// $basket - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\BasketBase foreach ($basket as $basketItem) { $collection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection(); $collection->redefine([ [ 'NAME' => 'New property', 'CODE' => 'XXX', 'VALUE' => 'Value', ] ]); }
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