

Generating an ORM filter (or GetList-filter for the legacy api core). It is used in a configured filter for data retrieval and in the data uploader (iblock).

Method Description Available from version
construct Class constructor
initFieldTypeHandlers Service method completes the list of supported field types
addCheckboxValue Converts checkbox value into the format bitrix:main.ui.filter.
addCustomDateValue Converts date range into the format bitrix:main.ui.filter.
addDateValue Converts date or date/time type value into the format bitrix:main.ui.filter.
addDestSelectorValue Converts entity binding type value into the format bitrix:main.ui.filter.
addListValue Converts list/multiple list type value into the format bitrix:main.ui.filter.
addNumberValue Converts integer type into the format bitrix:main.ui.filter.
addStringValue Converts string type into the format bitrix:main.ui.filter.


Converting block filter to ORM filter (also see example for user-defined source). Please be advised that the key 'operators' is indicated for the fields: nothing will work without it.

$fields = [];

      // NAME string field
      $fields['NAME'] = [
         'id' => 'NAME', // identifier (matches with array key)
         'type' => 'string', // String field type (main.ui.filter)
         'operators' => [ // prefixes for conditions
            'default' => '%' // default prefix
      // integer ID field
      $fields['ID'] = [
         'id' => 'ID', // identifier (matches with array key)
         'type' => 'number', // Integer type field (main.ui.filter)
         'operators' => [ // prefixes for conditions
            'default' => '=', // default prefix
            'exact' => '=', // precise match (equal) (X === value)
            'range' => '><', // range filter (min <= X <= max)
            'more' => '>', // higher (X > value)
            'less' => '<' // lower (X < value)
      // SECTION_ID list field
      $fields['SECTION_ID'] = [
         'id' => 'SECTION_ID', // identifier (matches with array key)
         'type' => 'list', // List field (main.ui.filter)
         'operators' => [ // prefixes for conditions
            'default' => '=' // default prefix
      // INCLUDE_SUBSECTIONS checkbox field
      $fields['INCLUDE_SUBSECTIONS'] = [
         'id' => 'INCLUDE_SUBSECTIONS', // identifier (matches with array key)
         'type' => 'checkbox', Checkbox field type (main.ui.filter)
         'operators' => [ // prefixes for conditions
            'default' => '=' // default prefix

      $sourceFilter = ... // gets block filter, see class description \Bitrix\Landing\Source\DataLoader and its descendants

      $filter = \Bitrix\Landing\Source\DataFilter();
      $ormFilter = $filter->create($sourceFilter); // filter for orm

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