
Source registration

Handler for source registration event. Example.


Parameters Description Available from version
$event \Bitrix\Main\Event variable type. SELECTOR - Class object \Bitrix\Landing\Source\Selector is passed to the variable.

Returned value

Returns object of class \Bitrix\Main\EventResult. In case sources aren't returned (no sources within limits, for landing mode):

return new Main\EventResult(Main\EventResult::ERROR, null, 'module_ID');

In case sources are available, returns an array with each element describing a single source (even if module has only a single source):

$result = [];
$result[] = [ // description for single source
return new Main\EventResult(Main\EventResult::SUCCESS, $result, 'module_ID');

Array keys:

Key Description Available from version
SOURCE_ID ID within module framework. Required.
TITLE Name. Required.
TYPE Settings form type for user filter. Currently supports only the "component" type - \Bitrix\Landing\Source\Selector::SOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT.
SETTINGS Array with parameters user filter settings (required). You need to pass the following keys for the component:
  • COMPONENT_NAME - component name (required)
  • COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_NAME - template name (required)
  • COMPONENT_PARAMS - array with component call parameters (required)
  • WRAPPER - array with component settings bitrix:ui.sidepanel.wrapper This is a system component, it's not described. (optional). Filter component is launched in it. Supported settings:
    • USE_PADDING - false by default
    • PLAIN_VIEW - false by default
    • USE_UI_TOOLBAR - 'N' by default
DATA_SETTINGS Array with source available fields (required):
DATA_LOADER Full (with indicated namespace) name for descendant class \Bitrix\Landing\Source\DataLoader, that will pass information about elements. Required.
SOURCE_FILTER Additional (non-customizable) filter for elements. Array, optional. For example, for iblocks contains an iblock ID and access permissions keys.

See Also

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