
Router frontend

It's a portion of [link=13982564]router service[/link] at the frontend.

Before use, initialize this object by template URLs.

This is done in the method \Bitrix\Crm\Component\Base::addJsRouter() that must be called in the component template.

/** @see \Bitrix\Crm\Component\Base::addJsRouter() */

At the frontend site, access to the object is performed via static property Instance, containing actual initialized object.


setUrlTemplates(params: UrlTemplatesSettings): Router
Method Description Available from version
constructor(data: {}, params: {})
Sets URL templates.
(entityTypeId: number, view: string): Router
Set view type for list of items (list of kanban) for entityTypeId.
getCurrentListView(entityTypeId: number): string
Returns current view type for list of items for entityTypeId.
static openSlider(url, options): 
Static method, opens slider at the address url with options parameter.
Returns Promise, permitted after closing this slider. Resolve get object slider's BX.SidePanel.Slider.
This method is called inside other methods of this class, that open slider.
openTypeDetail(typeId: number, options: ?{}): 
Opens the slider of SPA settings.
getTemplate(component: string, 
entityTypeId: number = 0): ?string
Returns URL template for entityTypeId component, if available.
getTypeDetailUrl(entityTypeId: number = 0): ?Uri
Returns URL for SPA settings page with entityTypeId.
getTypeListUrl(): ?Uri
Returns URL for SPA list page
number, categoryId: ?number = 0): ?Uri
Returns URL for entityTypeId item type in the pipeline categoryId in the current view.
number, categoryId: ?number = 0): ?Uri
Returns URL for the entityTypeId item list for the categoryId pipeline in the kanban view.
number, categoryId: ?number = 0): ?Uri
Returns URL for the entityTypeId item list for the categoryId pipeline in the list view.

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