

Bitrix24Manager wrapper class implements B24 module interaction logic.

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
getDealCategoryCountGets maximum accessible number of Deal Pipelines.
getDemoLicensePageUrlGets URL for "30-day free trial" page.
getLicenseListPageUrlGets URL for "Select Bitrix24 subscription plan" page.
hasDemoLicenseChecks, if Bitrix24 account has a free trial license.
hasNfrLicenseChecks if account has NFR license.
hasPurchasedDiskSpaceChecks, if payment from Bitrix24 account for additional drive space was received.
hasPurchasedLicenseChecks, if Bitrix24 account has a commercial license.
hasPurchasedUsersChecks, if payment from Bitrix24 account was received for additional users.
isAccessEnabledChecks, if entity types are available according to Bitrix24 account limits.
isPaidAccount Checks, if Bitrix24 module manager is accessible.
isPaidAccountChecks, payment from Bitrix24 account was received for a license, additional users, drive space or SIP-functions.
isRestBizProcEnabledChecks, if workflows for REST API are enabled.
isUnlimitedAccessChecks, if user has unlimited access to Bitrix24 account.
prepareLicenseInfoHtmlPrepares HTML-page with license purchase information.
prepareLicenseInfoPopupScriptPrepares JavaScript for license purchase information.

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