Each entity type has its identifiers. Such IDs have numerous variety. Below are the main types listed
- entity type ID,int
- entity type string ID,string
- abbreviated string ID with type,string
not more than 3 characters -
- entity ID for custom field settings,string
- value for columnENTITY_ID
for tableb_crm_status
, and for stage and statusesstring
- element type ID, used when checking permissions,string
- entity type ID for recycle bin entity,int
- string entity type ID for recycle bin,string
- entity ID for custom field settings in recycle bin,string
The entities with pipelines (deals, SPAs), some IDs will be unique within pipeline
When an element of specific entity type is placed into recycle bin, portion of its IDs change and displayed in the general list.
Main ID is entityTypeId
. Knowing this type's ID, you can (not always easily) retrieve the rest of information
Frontend has a similar helper, BX.CrmEntityType
in the file crm/install/js/crm/common.js
Numeric and string IDs can be retrieved via the constants/class methods \CCrmOwnerType
List of main IDs:
- Leads
entityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::Lead = 1
entityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::LeadName = 'LEAD'
entityTypeAbbr = \CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::Lead = 'L'
userFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmLead::USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_LEAD'
statusEntityId = 'STATUS'
permissionEntity = 'LEAD'
suspendedEntityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedLead = 18
suspendedEntityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedLeadName = 'SUS_LEAD
suspendedUserFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmLead::SUSPENDED_USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_LEAD_SPD'
- Deal in a default pipeline.
entityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::Deal = 2
entityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::DealName = 'DEAL'
entityTypeAbbr = \CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::Deal = 'D'
userFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmDeal::USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_DEAL'
statusEntityId = 'DEAL_STAGE'
permissionEntity = 'DEAL'
suspendedEntityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedDeal = 19
suspendedEntityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedDealName = 'SUS_DEAL
suspendedUserFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmDeal::SUSPENDED_USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_DEAL_SPD'
- Deal in pipeline with identifier
entityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::Deal = 2
entityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::DealName = 'DEAL'
entityTypeAbbr = \CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::Deal = 'D'
userFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmDeal::USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_DEAL'
statusEntityId = 'DEAL_STAGE_3'
permissionEntity = 'DEAL_C3'
suspendedEntityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedDeal = 19
suspendedEntityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedDealName = 'SUS_DEAL
suspendedUserFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmDeal::SUSPENDED_USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_DEAL_SPD'
- Contact
entityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::Contact = 3
entityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::ContactName = 'CONTACT'
entityTypeAbbr = \CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::Contact = 'C'
userFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmContact::USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_CONTACT'
- unavailable -
permissionEntity = 'CONTACT'
suspendedEntityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedContact = 20
suspendedEntityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedContactName = 'SUS_CONTACT
suspendedUserFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmContact::SUSPENDED_USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_CONTACT_SPD'
- Company
entityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::Company = 4
entityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::CompanyName = 'COMPANY'
entityTypeAbbr = \CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::Company = 'CO'
userFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmCompany::USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_COMPANY'
- unavailable -
permissionEntity = 'COMPANY'
suspendedEntityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedCompany = 21
suspendedEntityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedCompanyName = 'SUS_COMPANY
suspendedUserFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmCompany::SUSPENDED_USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_COMPANY_SPD'
- Invoices (legacy version)
entityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::Invoice = 5
entityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::InvoiceName = 'INVOICE'
entityTypeAbbr = \CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::Invoice = 'I'
userFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmInvoice::USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_INVOICE'
statusEntityId = 'INVOICE_STATUS'
permissionEntity = 'INVOICE'
suspendedEntityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedInvoice = 23
suspendedEntityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedInvoiceName = 'SUS_INVOICE
suspendedUserFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmInvoice::SUSPENDED_USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_INVOICE_SPD'
- Quotes
entityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::Quote = 7
entityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::QuoteName = 'QUOTE'
entityTypeAbbr = \CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::Quote = 'Q'
userFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmQuote::USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_QUOTE'
statusEntityId = 'QUOTE_STATUS'
permissionEntity = 'QUOTE'
suspendedEntityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedQuote = 22
suspendedEntityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedQuoteName = 'SUS_QUOTE
suspendedUserFieldEntityId = \CAllCrmQuote::SUSPENDED_USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_QUOTE_SPD'
- Orders
entityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::Quote = 14
entityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::OrderName = 'ORDER'
entityTypeAbbr = \CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::Order = 'O'
userFieldEntityId = \Bitrix\Crm\Order\Manager::getUfId() = 'ORDER'
- unavailable, due to order statuses being stored in b_sale_status -
permissionEntity = 'ORDER'
suspendedEntityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedOrder = 24
- not used, orders do not support recycle bin -
suspendedEntityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedOrderName = 'SUS_ORDER
- not used, orders do not support recycle bin -
- unavailable, orders do not support recycle bin
- Invoices with default pipeline having ID = 10
entityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SmartInvoice = 31
entityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SmartInvoiceName = 'SMART_INVOICE'
entityTypeAbbr = \CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::SmartInvoice = 'SI'
userFieldEntityId = \Bitrix\Crm\Service\Factory\SmartInvoice::USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_SMART_INVOICE'
statusEntityId = 'SMART_INVOICE_STAGE_10'
permissionEntity = 'SMART_INVOICE_C10'
suspendedEntityTypeId = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedSmartInvoice = 32
suspendedEntityTypeName = \CCrmOwnerType::SuspendedSmartInvoiceName = 'SUS_SMART_INVOICE
suspendedUserFieldEntityId = \Bitrix\Crm\Service\Factory\SmartInvoice::SUSPENDED_USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID = 'CRM_SMART_INVOICE_SPD'
- SPA with ID type 128 and ID 1 (ID column in b_crm_dynamic_type), default pipeline has id = 20
entityTypeId = 128
entityTypeName = 'DYNAMIC_128'
entityTypeAbbr = 'T80'
userFieldEntityId = 'CRM_1'
statusEntityId = 'DYNAMIC_128_STAGE_20'
permissionEntity = 'DYNAMIC_128_C20'
suspendedEntityTypeId = 192
suspendedEntityTypeName = 'SUS_DYNAMIC_128
suspendedUserFieldEntityId = 'CRM_1_SPD'
SPA type IDs are between 128 and 191 (inclusively).
SAP type IDs, deleted to recycle bin are between 192 and 255 (inclusively).
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