Color Themes
Presently, the system has color themes that are listed below. Please consider that the template has both visual display theme (forms, colors) and fonts theme. Template-based template is always created in a specific color theme and with a specific fonts theme. Generally, these two themes match: fonts theme is an additional small-sized file. Then, when user changes a visual theme, font theme remains the same and can be changed only by the developer via software modifications. It is a system-wide behaviour.
Theme code | Theme name |
1construction | Amber |
2business | Violet blue |
3corporate | Malibu |
accounting | Green yellow |
agency | Pastel red |
app | Medium turquoise |
architecture | Sunset |
charity | Yellow |
consulting | Light green sea |
courses | Medium aquamarine |
event | Amaranthine |
gym | Crayola Indigo |
lawyer | Carmine Pink |
music | Wild watermelon |
photography | Petroleum |
real-estate | Orange sunset |
restaurant | Crimson |
shipping | Red |
spa | Citrus |
travel | Cinnabar |
wedding | Cranberry |
Note. Names with digits in front - is not a mistake. Some of colors have such names.
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